Enter Site Restrictions


This activity is used to create, modify and view sites that are allowed to use the specified export license with indicated restrictions.


The required information in the Enterprise/Site window must have been filled in and saved.

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Export License

Related Window Descriptions

Export License
Export License/Site


  1. Open the Export License window.
  2. Click the Site tab.
  3. Select New (F5).
  4. Enter or select a site that should be allowed, or enter a % sign to indicate that all sites are allowed to use this license.
  5. Optionally, select the Exclude check box if the identified customer is to be excluded from being allowed for this license.
  6. Optionally, enter a note, by double-clicking the Note field which will open a text phrase editor that enables the user to view the entire text and, to select predefined phrases as entered in the Document Text Administration/Phrases tab.
  7. Save the changes.