Register and Link Expense Rule Assignment


Use this function to define a set of assignment rules and link the information to a specific Company, Employee Category, or Employee Number. You can use this window to enter and link the assignment to the expense rule simultaneously when all fields are registered and you have selected Save. This is only required if you dont want to use the Default Expense Rule.

If an employee has a specific agreement in the employment contract, you must define the expense rules and connect the rules with the employee information in this window. The set of rules is not company-dependent.

The system will use the following order of priority:

  1. Company + Emp.No
  2. Company + Emp. Category
  3. Default


Before entering and linking the assignment rules, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the information in the expense form will be based on the connection to the selected Expense Rule with either the Company ID or Employee Category for the employee.


Rule Assignments

Related Window Descriptions

Expense Rule Assignments


  1. Select New.
  2. Select either Company ID or Employee Category in order to to link the employee to an Expense Rule. If you fill-in both fields, you will get a message that you cannot enter information in both columns. Use the List of Values to select your choice.
  3. To select the employee for the assignment, use the List of Values. The name of the selected employee will appear automatically.
  4. Use the List of Values to select the Expense Rule to be connected to the assignment.
  5. Enter the Valid To and From dates for the assignment.
  6. Select Save.