Register Expense Rule and Expense Code


Use this function to enter basic data information for expense rules in the system, which the employee will use when entering allowances, compensations, etc., in the Expense Form. There are some specified basic rules that you have to consider. See information from the IRS for further information regarding taxation rules.

An Expense Rule is used in the system to calculate rules for different kinds of allowances and compensations. The rules will help you get a correct calculation of abroad allowance specified in a different currency than your own.

Enter the definition of the type of expense rule you want to use. One type of expense rule can be EVERYBODY, which will include all employees connected to the different codes in the same set of rules. It can also be for a specific employee, who has an individual set of rules.

The basic data for an Expense Code is registered in the Expense Codes tab. An Expense Code is used to define a specific cost within the rule(s). Types of codes can be: ONIGHT (overnight stay), MILES (Mileage), REP (Representation), MISC (Miscellaneous), or TAXI (taxi). Enter an easy to use text when describing the codes.

In the Expense Rule window it is also possible to define which tax codes to be used with a specific expense code.


Before you enter Expense Codes and Expense Rules, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this entry, you can connect employees to a Expense Rule and the calculations can be done in the system.


Expense Rules

Related Window Descriptions

Expense Rule

Expense Rule/Expenses


Register an Expense Rule:

  1. Select New, if you want to enter a new Expense Rule. (Choose Populate/Query if you would like a list of previously registered rules.)
  2. Define your expense rule, and describe the rule in the Expense Rule Description field.
  3. You can define an Advance Wage Code for the Expense Rule. If you want this rule to be a default rule, mark the checkbox.
  4. Select Save.

Register an Expense Code:

  1. Select New in the Expense Code column.
  2. Define and describe your expense code.
  3. Use the list box in the Expense Type column and select among the types appropriate for the code.
  4. Enter the price and/or percentage for the code. If you don't define a price, you must manually enter the price every time you enter in the expense form.
  5. Use the List of Values to specify the Wage Code you want to connect to this specific Expense Code.
  6. Define the type of code in the Report Code column, if you have IFS/Project Reporting installed. Report Codes are for reporting purposes, if you have IFS/Project installed. It is important to have a set of standard codes that corresponds to the expenses used in the Expense Sheet. Example of a set of report codes are: TRAVCOST (travel cost), TRAVTIME (travel time), ACC (accomodation cost), ALLOWW (allowance whole day), ALLOWH (allowance half day), EXP (misc expences). The Report Codes defined here needs to be connected to the Project Activities you are going to forward your expense sheets to.
  7. Enter the valid To/From dates for the Expense Code.
  8. Select Save.

Register Default Tax Lines for an Expense Code:

  1. Mark an existing Expense Code and use the Default Tax Line... right mouse button menu option.
  2. Select New in the Default Tax Lines window that opens.
  3. Select company.
  4. Select a Tax Code from the List of Values.
  5. The Tax Percentage is automatically populated from the basic data defined for the tax code in IFS/Accounting Rules.
  6. If the company is set up to use Sales Tax you can define a Recoverable %. It is only possible to enter a value for Recoverable % if the tax code is defined as Tax Recoverable in IFS/Accounting Rules. For companies set up to use VAT, the Recoverable % isn't used.
  7. Select Save.