Object/User-Defined Base Values

[To Define Financials Basics]


Use this tab window to show and modify the base values linked to the object group that is specified for the object. You can add base values and other information. If the Initiated by Acquisition Value check box is selected for a base value type in the User-Defined Base Value Types window, the base value of an object using that base value type will always be the same as the acquisition value. Thus, the user-defined base value lines will be created in this tab window only when an object is activated or when post imported transactions are completed for a newly created object. In both instances, the base value will be automatically updated. If the Initiated by Acquisition Value check box is cleared, the user-defined base value lines will be created in the tab window before the object status is active. However, in this circumstance, the base value will have to be manually updated. 

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Fixed Assets Object Info


Enter User-defined Base Value