Financial Events and Their Bookings

[Inventory] [Purchasing] [Customer Order] [Invoicing] [Shop Order] [Production Schedule] [Costing] [Project] [Work Order]
[Fixed Assets]


System Event Event Description Debit Posting Type Credit Posting Type
AC-INVREV- Inventory Value Decrease M18 - Purchase M1 - Inventory
AC-INVREV+ Inventory Value Increase M1 -Inventory M18 - Purchase
AC-INVRTR- Transit Value Decrease M18 - Purchase M3 - Inventory Transfer
AC-INVRTR+ Transit Value Increase M3 - Inventory Transfer M18 - Purchase
AC-MFGREV- Inventory Value Decrease due to Actual Cost calculation M40 - Work in Progress M1 - Inventory
AC-MFGREV+ Inventory Value Increase due to Actual Cost calculation M1 -Inventory M40 - Work in Progress
AC-MFGRTR- Transit Value Decrease due to Actual Cost calculation M40 - Work in Progress M3 - Inventory Transfer
AC-MFGRTR+ Transit Value Increase due to Actual Cost calculation M3 - Inventory Transfer M40 - Work in Progress
CO-AC-INV- Inventory Value Decrease - Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-AC-INV+ Inventory Value Increase - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt
CO-AC-REV- Consignment Stock Value Decrease due to Actual Cost calculation M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-AC-REV+ Consignment Stock Value Increase due to Actual Cost calculation M60 - Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt
CO-CONDCH- Condition Code Change - Issue of old condition - Consignment Stock M178 - Contra Account, Condition Code Change M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-CONDCH+ Condition Code Change - Receipt of new condition - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M178 - Contra Account, Condition Code Change
CO-CONS-IN Internal Transfer - Receipt - Consignment Stock M1 - Inventory M3 - Inventory Transfer
CO-COUN-IN Positive Counting Difference - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M7 - Positive Counting Difference
CO-COUN-OU Negative Counting Difference - Consignment Stock M184 - Negative Counting Difference M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-INTSHIP Issue for Material Requisition - Consignment Stock M53 - Issue for Material Requisition M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-INTUNIS Undo Issue of Inventory Part on a Material Requisition - Consignment Stock Reverse of CO-INTSHIP
(M60 - Consignment Stock)
(M53 - Issue for Material Requisition)
CO-INVM-IN Internal Transfer - Receipt - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M3 - Inventory Transfer
CO-INVM-IS Inter Site Transfer - Issue - Consignment Stock M3 - Inventory Transfer M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-LOCGRP- Location Group Change - Remove value for old Location Group - Supplier Consignment M195 - Contra Account, Location Group Change M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-LOCGRP+ Location Group Change - Insert value for new Location Group - Supplier Consignment M60 - Consignment Stock M195 - Contra Account, Location Group Change
COMPMDIFF- Inter Company Transfer - Price Decrease M90 - Price Difference Inter Company Material Transfer M89 - Inter Company Stock Movement due to
COMPMDIFF+ Inter Company Transfer - Price Increase M89 - Inter Company Stock Movement due to M90 - Price Difference Inter Company Material Transfer
COMPM-IN Inter Company Transfer - Receipt M1 - Inventory M89 - Inter Company Stock Movement due to
COMPM-OUT Inter Company Transfer - Issue M88 - Inter Company Stock Movement due from M1 - Inventory
COMPM-TRIN Inter Company Transfer - Receipt into Transit M3 - Inventory Transfer M89 - Inter Company Stock Movement due to
CONDCHG- Condition Code Change - Issue of old condition M178 - Contra Account, Condition Code Change M1 - Inventory
CONDCHG+ Condition Code Change - Receipt of new condition M1 - Inventory M178 - Contra Account, Condition Code Change
CONDCHGTR- Condition Code Change - Issue of old condition for parts from transit M178 - Contra Account, Condition Code Change M3 - Inventory Transfer
CONDCHGTR+ Condition Code Change - Receipt of new condition for parts into transit M3 - Inventory Transfer M178 - Contra Account, Condition Code Change
CO-NISS Issue from Inventory - Consignment Stock M2 - Internal Issue M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-PCKSCRP Scrapping in Shipment Inventory - Consignment Stock M6 - Scrapping in Inventory M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-PICK-IN Shipment Inventory Transfer - Receipt - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M3 - Inventory Transfer
CO-PICK-OU Shipment Inventory Transfer - Issue - Consignment Stock M3 - Inventory Transfer M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-SCRAP Scrapping in Inventory - Consignment Stock M6 - Scrapping in Inventory M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-SCRPCOR Correction of Scrapping in Inventory - Consignment Stock Reverse of CO-SCRAP
(M60 - Consignment Stock)
(M6 - Scrapping in Inventory)
CO-SERIAL- Split into Serials - Issue - Consignment Stock M3 - Inventory Transfer M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-SERIAL+ Split into Serials - Receipt - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M3 - Inventory Transfer
CO-SERREN- Rename Serial - Change Serial No - Issue - Consignment Stock M3 - Inventory Transfer M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-SERREN+ Rename Serial - Change Serial No - Receipt - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M3 - Inventory Transfer
COUNT-IN Positive Counting Difference M1 - Inventory M7 - Positive Counting Difference
COUNT-OUT Negative Counting Difference M184 - Negative Counting Difference M1 - Inventory
CO-WDR-IN WDR No. Change - Receipt - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M3 - Inventory Transfer
CO-WDR-OUT WDR No. Change - Issue - Consignment Stock M3 - Inventory Transfer M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-CCREV- Condition Code Change - Value Decrease - Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt M178 - Contra Account, Condition Code Change
CO-CCREV+ Condition Code Change - Value Increase - Consignment Stock M178 - Contra Account, Condition Code Change M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt
CONDREVAL- Condition Code Change - Value Decrease M9 - Inventory Value Decrease M178 - Contra Account, Condition Code Change
CONDREVAL+ Condition Code Change - Value Increase M178 - Contra Account, Condition Code Change M8 - Inventory Value Increase
CO-DELIVOH Delivery Overhead - Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt M57 - Delivery Overhead
FAC2INV Equipment Serial to Inventory M1 - Inventory T52 - EQUIPMENT REPAIRS
INVM-COIN Inter Site Transfer - Receipt M1 - Inventory M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites
INVM-IN Internal Transfer - Receipt M1 - Inventory M3 -Inventory Transfer
INVM-ISS Internal Transfer - Issue M3 -Inventory Transfer M1 - Inventory
INVM-OUT Inter Site Transfer - Issue M4 -Inventory Transfer Between Sites M1 - Inventory
INVM-TRIN Inter Site Transfer - Receipt into Transit M3 -Inventory Transfer M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites
INVM-TRISS Internal Transfer - Issue for Transit M3 -Inventory Transfer M1 - Inventory
INVREC Receipt from Transit M1 - Inventory M3 -Inventory Transfer
INVREVAL- Inventory Value Decrease M9 - Inventory Value Decrease M1 - Inventory
INVREVAL+ Inventory Value Increase M1 - Inventory M8 - Inventory Value Increase
INVREVTR- Transit Value Decrease M9 - Inventory Value Decrease M3 -Inventory Transfer
INVREVTR+ Transit Value Increase M3 -Inventory Transfer M8 - Inventory Value Increase
INVSCRAP Scrapping in Inventory M6 - Scrapping in Inventory M1 - Inventory
INVSCPCOR Undo Scrapping in Inventory Reverse of INVSCRAP
(M1 - Inventory)
(M6 - Scrapping in Inventory)
LOCGRP- Location Group Change - Remove value for old Location Group M195 - Contra Account, Location Group Change M1 - Inventory
LOCGRP+ Location Group Change - Insert value for new Location Group M1 - inventory M195 - Contra Account, Location Group Change
LOCGRPTR- Location Group Change - Remove value in transit for old Location Group M195 - Contra Account, Location Group Change M3 - Inventory Transfer
LOCGRPTR+ Location Group Change - Insert value in transit for new Location Group M3 - Inventory Transfer M195 - Contra Account, Location Group Change
MOVEREVAL- Inter Site Transfer - Value Decrease M9 - Inventory Value Decrease M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites
MOVEREVAL+ Inter Site Transfer - Value Increase M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites M8 - Inventory Value Increase
MS-ADD Administration Addition M51 - Issue Addition M52 - Revenue Issue Addition
NISS Issue from Inventory M2-Internal Issue M1 - Inventory
NREC Receipt into Inventory M1 - Inventory M5 - Receipt Without Purchase Order
ORDTREVAL- Inter Site Order Transit - Value Decrease M157 - Inv Value Decrease - Order Transit M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites
ORDTREVAL+ Inter Site Order Transit - Value Increase M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites M156 -Inv Value Increase - Order Transit
PARTREN- Rename Serial - Change Part No - Issue M191 - Contra Account, Rename of Serial M1 - Inventory
PARTREN+ Rename Serial - Change Part No - Receipt M1 - Inventory M191 - Contra Account, Rename of Serial
PODIFF- Accumulated Negative Price Difference M19 - Price diff Purch, HIGHER PRICE M18 - Purchase
PODIFF+ Accumulated Positive Price Difference M18 - Purchase M20 -Price diff Purch, LOWER PRICE
PRENREVAL- Renaming of Serials - Value Decrease M9 - Inventory Value Decrease M191 - Contra Account, Rename of Serial
PRENREVAL+ Renaming of Serials - Value Increase M191 - Contra Account, Rename of Serial M8 - Inventory Value Increase
RINTOTRCOR Correction of Move to Internal Order Transit due to Reversed Issue Reverse of RINTORDTR
(M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites)
(M3 - Inventory Transfer)
RINVREVAL- Reverse Inventory Value Decrease Reverse of AC-INVREV-
(M1 - Inventory)
(M9 - Inventory Value Decrease)
RINVREVAL+ Reverse Inventory Value Increase Reverse of AC-INVREV+
(M8 - Inventory Value Increase)
(M1 - Inventory)
ROUNDDIFF- Clearing Negative Remaining Stock Value M1 - Inventory M181 - Inventory Value Increase - Clearing Remaining Stock Value
ROUNDDIFF+ Clearing Positive Remaining Stock Value M182 - Inventory Value Decrease - Clearing Remaining Stock Value M1 - Inventory
SERIAL-IN Split into Serials - Receipt M1 - Inventory M3 - Inventory Transfer
SERIAL-OUT Split into Serials - Issue M3 - Inventory Transfer M1 - Inventory
SERREN- Rename Serial - Change Serial No - Issue M3 - Inventory Transfer M1 - Inventory
SERREN+ Rename Serial - Change Serial No - Receipt M1 - Inventory M3 - Inventory Transfer
TRANSIBAL- Leveling the Stock Account and the Transit Account Balances M1 - Inventory M3 - Inventory Transfer
TRANSIBAL+ Leveling the Stock Account and the Transit Account Balances M3 - Inventory Transfer M1 - Inventory
WDR-IN WDR No. Change - Receipt M1 - Inventory  M3 - Inventory Transfer
WDR-OUT WDR No. Change - Issue M3 - Inventory Transfer M1 - Inventory 
XO-TR-IN Transfer Customer Owned Stock to Customer M1 - Inventory  M3 - Inventory Transfer
XO-TR-OUT Transfer Customer Owned Stock from Customer M3 - Inventory Transfer M1 - Inventory 



System Event Event Description Debit Posting Type Credit Posting Type
APPRNISP Approval of Stage Payment Non-Inventory Part M199 - Stage Payment Non-Inventory Material M200 - Approved Stage Payment Not Invoiced Non-Inventory Material
APPRINVSP Approval of Stage Payment Inventory Part M197 - Stage Payment Inventory Material M198 - Approved Stage Payment Not Invoiced Inventory Material
ARRCHG Arrival Charges M1 - Inventory M189 - Arrival Charges
ARRCHG-DIR Arrival Charges for Direct Delivery M24 -Cost of Goods Sold, Sales M189 - Arrival Charges
ARRCHGIDIR Arrival Charges for Direct Delivery to Internal Customer M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites M189 - Arrival Charges
ARRCHG-REP Arrival Charges for External Service Orders M15 - WIP at Supplier M189 - Arrival Charges
ARR-COMP Receipt of Repair Purchase Order - Repaired Part M1 - Inventory M15 - WIP at Supplier
ARRIVAL Receipt of Purchase Order M1 - Inventory M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order
ARR-NONINV Register PO Arrivals - Non Inventory M92 - Purchase Non Inventory Material Arrival M91 - Non Inventory Receipt with PO, not Invoiced
ARR-REPAIR Receipt of Repair Purchase Order - Cost of Service M15 - WIP at Supplier M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order
ARRTRAN Arrival Inventory Internal Transit M1 - Inventory M3 - Inventory Transfer
ARRTRAN-NI Arrival Non-Inventory Internal Transit M158 - Contra Account, Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites M95 - Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites
BALRECSP Balance Receipt with Purchase Order and Stage Payment Inventory Accounts M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order M197 - Stage Payment Inventory Material
BALRETSP Balance Returned Goods in Inventory and Stage Payment Inventory Accounts M197 - Stage Payment Inventory Material M14 - Scrapped for Credit/Returned Goods in Inventory
CHGPRDIFF- Price Difference Charge Invoice - Lower Price M189 - Arrival Charges M186 - Charge Price Diff Purch, Lower Price
CHGPRDIFF+ Price Difference Charge Invoice - Higher Price M185 - Charge Price Diff Purch, Higher Price M189 - Arrival Charges
CLEAR-WIP- Clear remainder on WIP at Supplier when closing Purchase Order Line - Increase WIP account M15 - WIP at Supplier M202 - Clear remainder on WIP at Supplier when closing Purchase Order Line - Increase WIP account
CLEAR-WIP+ Clear remainder on WIP at Supplier when closing Purchase Order Line - Decrease WIP account M201 - Clear remainder on WIP at Supplier when closing Purchase Order Line - Decrease WIP account M15 - WIP at Supplier
CO-ARRIVAL Receipt of Purchase Order - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt
CO-CONSUM Consume from Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order
CO-EX-SHIP Ship Exchange Part to Supplier - Consignment Stock M142 - Exchange Cost in Purchase M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-PURBKFL Backflush of components at supplier - Consignment Stock M15 - WIP at Supplier M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-PURSHIP Issue Material for Supplier - Consignment Stock M15 - WIP at Supplier M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-RCREDIT Return to Vendor for Credit - Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-RCREDTC Reverse Return to Vendor for Credit - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt
CO-RETURN Return into Consignment Stock M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt
CO-REWORK Return to Vendor for Rework - Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-REWORKC Reverse Return to Vendor for Rework - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt
CO-SCPCREC Reverse Scrap for Credit - Consignment Stock Reverse of CO-SCPCRED
(M60 - Consignment Stock)
(M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt)
CO-SCPCRED Scrap for Credit - Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt M60 - Consignment Stock
COSUPCONSM Consume from Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order
CO-UNPBKFL Undo Backflush of Components at Supplier - Consignment Stock Reverse of CO-PURBKFL
(M60 - Consignment Stock)
(M15 - WIP at Supplier)
CO-UNPSHIP Undo Issue Material for Supplier - Consignment Stock Reverse of CO-PURSHIP
(M60 - Consignment Stock)
(M15 - WIP at Supplier)
CO-UNRCPT Reverse Receipt Material for Supplier - Consignment Stock Obsolete in the system Obsolete in the system
CO-UNRCPT- Reverse Receipt of Purchase Order - Consignment Stock *Reverse of CO-ARRIVAL
(M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt)
*Reverse of CO-INVM-IN
(M3 - Inventory Transfer)
(M60 - Consignment Stock)
CO-UNRCPT+ Reverse Receipt of Purchase Order - Consignment Stock *Reverse of CO-INVM-IS
(M60 - Consignment Stock)
(M3 - Inventory Transfer)
COUNSUCONS Reverse of COSUPCONSM: Consume from Consignment Stock Reverse of COSUPCONSM
(M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order)
(M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt)
DELIV-OH Delivery Overhead M1 - Inventory M57 - Delivery Overhead
DS-DELIVOH Delivery Overhead Direct Delivery M24 - Cost of Goods Sold, Sales M57- Delivery Overhead
EXCH-DIFF- Negative Exchange Difference M9 - Inventory Value Decrease M142 - Exchange Cost in Purchase
EXCH-DIFF+ Positive Exchange Difference M142 - Exchange Cost in Purchase M8 - Inventory Value Increase
EXCH-SHIP Ship Exchange Part to Supplier M142 - Exchange Cost in Purchase M1 - Inventory
IDS-DELOH Delivery Overhead Internal Direct Delivery M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites M57 - Delivery Overhead
INTPURDIR Inter Site Direct Ship Material to Supplier M15 - WIP at Supplier M3 - Inventory Transfer
NINSCPINT Scrap for Purchase Non-Inventory Internal Transit M94 - Scrapping Non Inventory Material M158 - Contra Account, Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites
NINVSCPCOR Undo Scrap for Purchase Non Inventory M92 - Purchase Non Inventory Material Arrival M94 - Scrapping Non Inventory Material
NINVSCRAP Scrap for Purchase Non Inventory M94 - Scrapping Non Inventory Material M92 - Purchase Non Inventory Material Arrival
NISCPCORIN Undo Scrap for Purchase Non-Inventory Internal Transit Reverse of NINSCPINT
(M158 - Contra Account, Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites)
(M94 - Scrapping Non Inventory Material)
NRETCORCRE Undo Return for Credit for Purchase Non Inventory Reverse of NRETCREDIT
(M92 - Purchase Non Inventory Material Arrival)
(M91 - Non Inventory Receipt with PO, not Invoiced)
NRETCORWIN Undo Return for Rework for Purchase Non-Inventory Internal Transit Reverse of NRETWO-INT
(M158 - Contra Account, Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites)
(M95 - Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites)
NRETCORWRK Undo Return for Rework for Purchase Non Inventory Reverse of NRETWORK
(M92 - Purchase Non Inventory Material Arrival)
(M91 - Non Inventory Receipt with PO, not Invoiced)
NRETCREDIT Return for Credit for Purchase Non Inventory M91 - Non Inventory Receipt with PO, not Invoiced M92 - Purchase Non Inventory Material Arrival
NRETWO-INT Return for Rework Purchase Non-Inventory Internal Transit M95 - Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites M158 - Contra Account, Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites
NRETWORK Return for Rework for Purchase Non Inventory M91 - Non Inventory Receipt with PO, not Invoiced M92 - Purchase Non Inventory Material Arrival
NSCPCRECOR Reverse Scrap for Credit for Purchase Non Inventory Reverse of NSCPCREDIT
(M92 - Purchase Non Inventory Material Arrival)
(M91 - Non Inventory Receipt with PO, not Invoiced)
NSCPCREDIT Scrap for Credit for Purchase Non Inventory M91 - Non Inventory Receipt with PO, not Invoiced M92 - Purchase Non Inventory Material Arrival
OWNTRANOUT Ownership Transfer to Company Owned Stock No Postings No Postings
PARTSWAP Receipt of Repair Purchase Order - Different Part or Configuration M1 - Inventory M15 - WIP at Supplier
PC-DELIVOH Delivery Overhead Direct Ship Material to Supplier M15 - WIP at Supplier M57 - Delivery Overhead
PO-EXCH Exchange Cost for Purchase  M1 - Inventory M142 - Exchange Cost in Purchase
POINV-WIP Material Cost for Purchase M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order M15 - WIP at Supplier
PRDIFFSP- Price Diff Stage Payments, Lower Price M197 - Stage Payment Inventory Material M20 - Price diff Purch, LOWER PRICE
PRDIFFSP+ Price Diff Stage Payments, Higher Price M19 - Price diff Purch, HIGHER PRICE M197 - Stage Payment Inventory Material
PRICEDIFF- Price Difference - Lower Price M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order M20 - Price diff Purch, LOWER PRICE
PRICEDIFF+ Price Difference - Higher Price M19 - Price diff Purch, HIGHER PRICE M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order
PURBKFL Backflush of components at supplier M15-WIP at Supplier M1 - Inventory
PURDIR Direct Ship Material for Supplier M15-WIP at Supplier M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order
PURDIR-CHG Arrival Charges for Direct Delivery of Purchase Components M15-WIP at Supplier M189 - Arrival Charges
PURSHIP Issue Material for Supplier M15-WIP at Supplier M1 - Inventory
REP-SCRAP Scrapping at Supplier - External Service Order M143 - Scrapping at Supplier M15 - WIP at Supplier
RET-CHARGE Return/Scrap of Charges M196 - Return/Scrap of Charges M1 - Inventory
RETCORCRE Reverse Return to Vendor for Credit Reverse of RETCREDIT
(M1 - Inventory)
(M14 - Scrapped for Credit/Returned Goods in Inventory)
RETCORWINT Undo Return Inventory Internal Transit Reverse of RETWORKINT
(M1 - Inventory)
(M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites)
RETCORWORK Reverse Return to Vendor for Rework Reverse of RETWORK
(M1 - Inventory)
(M14 - Scrapped for Credit/Returned Goods in Inventory)
RETCREDIT Return to Vendor for Credit M14 - Scrapped for Credit/Returned Goods in Inventory M1 - Inventory
RETCRE-EX Return Exchange Cost for Credit in Purchase M142 - Exchange Cost in Purchase M1 - Inventory
RETCRE-WIP Return Material Cost for Credit in Purchase M167 - Return Material Cost for Return/Scrap for Credit in Purchase M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order
RET-DEL-OH Return of Delivery Overhead M152 - Return of Delivery Overhead M1 - Inventory
RETREVAL- Return to Supplier - Value Decrease M180 - Increased Material Cost at Return/Scrap for Credit to Supplier M14 - Scrapped for Credit/Returned Goods in Inventory
RETREVAL+ Return to Supplier - Value Increase M14 - Scrapped for Credit/Returned Goods in Inventory M179 - Decreased Material Cost at Return/Scrap for Credit to Supplier
RETWOR-EX Return Exchange Cost for Rework in Purchase M142 - Exchange Cost in Purchase M1 - Inventory
RETWORK Return to Vendor for Rework M14 - Scrapped for Credit/Returned Goods in Inventory M1 - Inventory
RETWORKINT Return Inventory Internal Transit M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites M1 - Inventory
RETWOR-WIP Return Material Cost for Rework in Purchase M15- WIP at Supplier M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order
REVPRDIFF- Reverse Price Difference Posted at Arrival - Lower Price M14 - Scrapped for Credit/Returned Goods in Inventory M20 - Price diff Purch, LOWER PRICE
REVPRDIFF+ Reverse Price Difference Posted at Arrival - Higher Price M19 - Price diff Purch, HIGHER PRICE M14 - Scrapped for Credit/Returned Goods in Inventory
SCPCREDCOR Reverse Scrap for Credit Reverse of SCPCREDIT
(M1 - Inventory)
(M14 - Scrapped for Credit/Returned Goods in Inventory)
SCPCREDIT Scrap for Credit M14 - Scrapped for Credit/Returned Goods in Inventory M1 - Inventory
SERLOTSWAP Receipt of Repair Purchase Order - Different Lot or Serial M1 - Inventory M15 - WIP at Supplier
SER-REVAL- External Service Order Receipt - Value Decrease M9 - Inventory Value Decrease M15 - WIP at Supplier
SER-REVAL+ External Service Order Receipt - Value Increase M15 - WIP at Supplier M8 - Inventory Value Increase
UNAPPINVSP Revoked Approval of Stage Payment Inventory Part Reverse of APPRINVSP
(M198 - Approved Stage Payment Not Invoiced Inventory Material)
(M197 - Stage Payment Inventory Material)
UNAPPNISP Revoked Approval of Stage Payment Non-Inventory Part Reverse of APPRNISP
(M200 - Approved Stage Payment Not Invoiced Non-Inventory Material)
(M199 - Stage Payment Non-Inventory Material)
UN-PURBKFL Undo Backflush of Components on a Purchase Order Reverse of PURBKFL
(M1 - Inventory)
(M15 - WIP at Supplier)
UN-PURSHIP Undo Issue Material for Supplier Reverse of PURSHIP
(M1 - Inventory)
(M15 - WIP at Supplier)
UNRC-ARRTR Undo Receipt Arrival Inventory Internal Transit Reverse of ARRTRAN
(M3 - Inventory Transfer)
(M1 - Inventory)
UNRC-NINV Cancel Receipt for Purchase Non Inventory Reverse of ARR-NONINV
(M91 - Non Inventory Receipt with PO, not Invoiced)
(M92 - Purchase Non Inventory Material Arrival)
UNRCPT Reverse Receipt Material for Supplier *Reverse of POINV-WIP
(M15 - WIP at Supplier)
*Reverse of ARR-REPAIR
(M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order)
*Reverse of POINV-WIP
(M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order)
*Reverse of ARR-REPAIR
(M15 - WIP at Supplier)
UNRCPT- Reverse Receipt for Purchase Order *Reverse of ARRIVAL
(M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order)
*Reverse of ARR-COMP
(M15 - WIP at Supplier)
*Reverse of SERLOTSWAP
(M15 - WIP at Supplier)
*Reverse of PARTSWAP
(M15 - WIP at Supplier)
*Reverse of INVM-IN
(M3 - Inventory Transfer )
(M1- Inventory)
UNRCPT+ Reverse Receipt for Purchase Order *Reverse of INVM-ISS
(M1 - Inventory)
(M3 - Inventory Transfer)
UNRCPTBAL- Leveling the Stock Account and the Transit Account Balances on Reverse Receipt for Purchase Order M1 - Inventory M3 - Inventory Transfer
UNRCPTBAL+ Leveling the Stock Account and the Transit Account Balances on Reverse Receipt for Purchase Order M3 - Inventory Transfer M1 - Inventory
UNREPSCRAP Undo Scrapping at Supplier - External Service Order Reverse of REP-SCRAP
(M15 - WIP at Supplier)
(M143 - Scrapping at Supplier)
UNRET-WIP Undo Return Material Cost in Purchase Reverse of RETWOR-WIP
(M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order)
(M15- WIP at Supplier)
XO-ARRIVAL Transfer to Company Owned Stock M1 - Inventory  M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order
XO-UNRCPT Cancel Transfer to Company Owned Stock Reverse of XO-ARRIVAL
(M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order)
(M1 - Inventory)

*Reverse transaction postings depends on the relevant original transaction.


Customer Order

System Event Event Description Debit Posting Type Credit Posting Type
CO-CONSUME Customer Consumed Consignment Stock M24 - Cost of Goods Sold, Sales M1 - Inventory
CO-DELV-IN Consignment Stock into Customer Inventory M1 - Inventory M3 - Inventory Transfer
CO-DELV-OU Transfer Consignment Stock to Customer M3 - Inventory Transfer M1 - Inventory
CO-OESHIP Ship Inventory Parts - Consignment Stock M24 - Cost of Goods Sold, Sales M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-SHIPDIR Ship Customer Order Internal Direct - Consignment Stock M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-SHIPTRN Ship Customer Order Internal Transit - Consignment Stock M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites M60 - Consignment Stock
DELCONF-IN Transfer into Customer Inventory due to Delivery Confirmation M1 - Inventory M3 - Inventory Transfer
DELCONF-OU Stock in Transfer due to Delivery Confirmation M3- Inventory Transfer M1 - Inventory
DELIVCONF Delivery Confirmed stock M24- Cost of Goods Sold, Sales M1 - Inventory
INTCOS Internal cost of sale generated by internal CO delivered to a site within same company M163 - Internal Cost of Sales M164- Internal Cost of Sales Contra
INTCOSR Internal cost of sale received from internal CO delivered from a site within same company M166 - Internal Cost of Sales Received from Other Sites Contra M165 - Internal Cost of Sales Received from Other Sites
Interim Sales - Taxable M169 - Interim Discount on Taxable Sales
M172 - Interim Group Discount on Taxable Sales
M174 - Interim Additional Discount on Taxable Sales
M176 - Interim Customer Claims
M168 - Interim Taxable Sales
M177 - Interim Tax Disbursed
INTM-SALES Interim Sales - Non- Taxable M171 - Interim Discount on Non-Taxable Sales
M173 - Interim Group Discount on Non-Taxable Sales
M175 - Interim Additional Discount on Non-Taxable Sales
M176 - Interim Customer Claims
M170 - Interim Non-Taxable Sales
INTORDTR Move to Internal Order Transit due to Issue M3 - Inventory Transfer M4-Inventory Transfer Between Sites
INTPODIRIM Int Dir Ship Internal Transit Customer Order M4-Inventory Transfer Between Sites M3 - Inventory Transfer
INTPODIRSH Inter Site Direct Ship Customer Order M24 -Cost of Goods Sold, Sales M3 - Inventory Transfer
INTREV Internal revenue generated from sales price on internal CO delivered to a site within same company M160 - Internal Customer Claims M159 - Internal Sales Revenue
INTREV- Decreased internal revenue generated from corrective inter-site price postings M159 - Internal Sales Revenue M160 - Internal Customer Claims
INTREV+ Increased internal revenue generated from corrective inter-site price postings M160 - Internal Customer Claims M159 - Internal Sales Revenue
INTREVR Internal revenue received from sales price on internal CO delivered from a site within same company M162 - Internal Purchase Expenses M161 - Internal Purchase Debts
INTREVR- Decreased internal revenue received generated from corrective inter-site price postings M161 - Internal Purchase Debts M162 - Internal Purchase Expenses
INTREVR+ Increased internal revenue received generated from corrective inter-site price postings M162 - Internal Purchase Expenses M161 - Internal Purchase Debts
INTSHIP Issue for Material Requisition M53 - Issue for Material Requisition M1- Inventory
INTSHIP-NI Ship Internal Non-Inventory Customer Order M95 - Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites M158 - Contra Account, Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites
INTUNISS Undo Issue of Inventory Part on a Material Requisition Reverse of INTSHIP
(M1- Inventory)
(M53 - Issue for Material Requisition)
JOBTOSTD Unreserve project part from DOP M1 - Inventory M1 - Inventory
OERET-EX Receipt of Returned Material into Inventory - Exchange Order M1 - Inventory M155 - RMA of Exchange Cost
OERETIN-NI Return Non-Inventory Parts Internal Transit M158 - Contra Account, Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites M95 - Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites
OERETIN-NO Return Non-Inventory Parts Internal Transit - Orderless M79 - Contra Account, Cost of Sold Non-inventory Parts, Orderless Return M95 - Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites
OERET-INT Receipt of Returned Material Internal Transit M1 - Inventory M3 -Inventory Transfer
OERET-NC Receipt of Returned Material into Inventory - No Charge M1 - Inventory M15 -WIP at Supplier
OERET-NI Return Non-inventory Parts M27 - Contra Account, Cost of Sold Non-inventory Parts M26 - Cost of Sold Non-inventory Parts
OERET-NINO Return Non-inventory Parts - Orderless M79 - Contra Account, Cost of Sold Non-inventory Parts, Orderless Return M78 - Cost of Sold Non-inventory Parts, Orderless Return
OERET-NO Receipt of Returned Material into Inventory - Orderless M1 - Inventory M77 - Cost of Goods Sold, Orderless Return
OERET-SCP Scrapping of Returned Material M6 - Scrapping in Inventory M25 - Cost of Goods Sold, Order Connected Return
OERET-SINT Scrapping of Returned Material Internal Transit M6 - Scrapping in Inventory M3 -Inventory Transfer
OERET-SPEX Scrapping of Returned Material - Exchange Order M6 - Scrapping in Inventory M155 - RMA of Exchange Cost
OERET-SPNC Scrapping of Returned Material - No Charge M6 - Scrapping in Inventory M15 - WIP at Supplier
OERET-SPNO Scrapping of Returned Material - Orderless M6 - Scrapping in Inventory M77 - Cost of Goods Sold, Orderless Return
OERETURN Receipt of Returned Material into Inventory M1 - Inventory M25 - Cost of Goods Sold, Order Connected Return
OESHIP Ship Inventory Parts M24 - Cost of Goods Sold, Sales M1 - Inventory
OESHIPNI Ship Non-inventory Parts M26 - Cost of Sold Non-inventory Parts M27 - Contra Account, Cost of Sold Non-inventory Parts
PICK-IN Shipment Inventory Transfer - Receipt M1 - Inventory M3 -Inventory Transfer
PICK-OUT Shipment Inventory Transfer - Issue M3 -Inventory Transfer M1 - Inventory
PICKSCRAP Scrapping in Shipment Inventory M6 - Scrapping in Inventory M1 - Inventory
PODIRINTEM Dir Ship Internal Transit Customer Order M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order
PODIRSH Direct Ship Customer Order M24- Cost of Goods Sold, Sales M10 - Receipt with Purchase Order
PODIRSH-NI Direct Ship Internal Non-Inventory Customer Order M26 - Cost of Sold Non-inventory Parts M95 - Non-Inventory Parts in Transfer between Sites
RINTORDTR Move to Internal Order Transit due to Reversed Issue M3 - Inventory Transfer M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites
SALES-OH Sales Overhead M194 -Cost of Goods Sold, Sales Overhead M190 - Sales Overhead
SHIPDIR Ship Customer Order Internal Direct M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites M1 - Inventory
SHIPTRAN Ship Customer Order Internal Transit M4 - Inventory Transfer Between Sites M1 - Inventory
STDTOJOB Reserve project part to DOP M1 - Inventory M1 - Inventory



The postings described in the table below must be combined to correctly represent an invoice. For instance, if you want to describe invoicing of taxable sales with an invoice fee and invoice rounding, you should include the following system events (INVOICE-D): Invoicing of taxable sales, Disbursed tax on invoice, Invoice rounding, and Invoice fee.

Note that posting types IP2 (Customer Claims, Invoice) and IP4 (Tax Disbursed Invoice) are combined into one posting line per invoice and unique code string.

System Event Event Description Debit Posting Type Credit Posting Type
APINVOICE Check supplier invoice header, with tax IP5 - Preliminary Cost
IP3 - Tax Received, Invoice
IP1 - Supplier Debts, Invoice
APINVOICE Check supplier invoice header, without tax IP5 - Preliminary Cost
IP9 - Tax Received, Calculated
IP1 - Supplier Debts, Invoice
IP10 - Tax Disbursed, Calculated
APINVOICE Check supplier invoice lines, inventory part with higher price (when using standard costs) M18 - Purchasing
M19 - Price Diff Purch, Higher Price
IP5 - Preliminary Cost
APINVOICE Check supplier invoice lines, inventory part with lower price (when using standard costs) M18 - Purchasing IP5 - Preliminary Cost
M20 - Price Diff Purch, Lower Price
APINVOICE Check supplier invoice lines, non-inventory part and no-number part M93 - Purchase Non-Inventory Material Invoice IP5 - Preliminary Cost
APINVOICE Entering supplier invoice charges without Tax M65 - Purchase Charges, Non-Inventory Parts IP1 - Supplier Debts, Invoice
APINVOICE Entering supplier invoice charges with Tax M65 - Purchase Charges, Non-Inventory Parts
IP3 - Tax received, invoice
IP1 - Supplier Debts, Invoice
APINVOICE Check supplier invoice lines, part connected charges with higher price M187 - Purchase Charges, Inventory Parts
M185 - Charge Price Diff Purch, Higher Price
IP5 - Preliminary Cost
APINVOICE Check supplier invoice lines, part connected charges with lower price M187 - Purchase Charges, Inventory Parts IP5 - Preliminary Cost
M186 - Charge Price Diff Purch, Lower Price
APINVOICE Check supplier invoice lines, approved stage payment for inventory part M198 - Approved Stage Payment Not Invoiced Inventory Material IP1 - Supplier Debts, Invoice
APINVOICE Check supplier invoice lines, approved stage payment for non-inventory part M200 - Approved Stage Payment Not Invoiced Non-Inventory Material
M93 - Purchase Non-Inventory Material Invoice
M199 - Stage Payment Non-Inventory Material
IP1 - Supplier Debts, Invoice
INVOICE-C Credit/Correction invoicing of disbursed Tax IP4 - Tax Disbursed Invoice IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-C Credit/Correction invoice rounding ¹IP7 - Invoice Rounding
¹IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
¹IP7 - Invoice Rounding
¹IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-C Credit/Correction invoicing of invoice fee IP6 - Invoice Fee IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-C Credit/Correction invoicing of taxable sales without order connection M80 - Crediting Taxable Sales, Orderless IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-C Credit/Correction invoicing of non-taxable sales without order connection M81 - Crediting Non-Taxable Sales, Orderless IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-C Credit invoicing of sales with tax M32 - Crediting Taxable Sales, Order Connected
IP4 - Tax Disbursed, Invoice
IP6 - Invoice Fee
IP7 - Invoice Rounding
M33 - Crediting Discount on Taxable Sales, Order Connected
IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
IP7 - Invoice Rounding
INVOICE-C Credit invoicing of sales without tax M34 - Crediting Non-taxable Sales, Order Connected
IP6 - Invoice Fee
IP7 - Invoice Rounding
M35 - Crediting Discount on Non-taxable Sales, Order Connected
IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
IP7 - Invoice Rounding
INVOICE-C Credit invoicing of taxable sales charges M70 - Contra Account, Cost of Charges Sold
M71 - Crediting Taxable Charges, Order Connected
IP4 - Tax Disbursed, Invoice
IP7 - Invoice Rounding
M69 - Cost of Charges Sold IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
IP7 - Invoice Rounding
INVOICE-C Credit invoicing of Non-Taxable sales charges M72 - Crediting Non-taxable Charges, Order Connected
M70 - Contra Account, Cost of Charges Sold
IP7 - Invoice Rounding
M69 - Cost of Charges Sold
IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
IP7 - Invoice Rounding
INVOICE-C Credit invoicing of taxable sales charges without order connection M82 - Crediting Taxable Charges, Orderless
M85 - Contra Account, Cost of Sold Charges, Orderless
M84 - Cost of Sold Charges, Orderless
IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-C Credit invoicing of Non-taxable sales charges without order connection M83 - Crediting Non-taxable Charges, Orderless
M85 - Contra Account, Cost of Sold Charges, Orderless
M84 - Cost of Sold Charges, Orderless
IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-C Credit invoicing of taxable sales discount ²M33 - Crediting Discount on Taxable Sales, Order Connected
²IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
²M33 - Crediting Discount on Taxable Sales, Order Connected
²IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-C ³Credit invoicing of taxable sales discount, order IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice M75 - Crediting Group Discount on Taxable Sales, Order Connected
INVOICE-C Credit invoicing of Non-Taxable sales discount ²M35 - Crediting Discount on Non-taxable Sales, Order Connected
²IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
²M35 - Crediting Discount on Non-taxable Sales, Order Connected
²IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-C credit invoicing of Non-taxable sale discount, order IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice M76 - Crediting Group Discount on Non-taxable Sales, Order Connected
INVOICE-C Credit invoicing of taxable sales discount without order connection IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice M86 - Crediting Discount on Taxable Sales, Orderless
INVOICE-C Credit invoicing of Non-Taxable sales discount without order connection IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice M87 - Crediting Discount on Non-taxable Sales, Orderless
INVOICE-C Credit invoicing of taxable sales discount, additional order IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice M98 - Crediting Additional Discount on Taxable Sales, Order Connected
INVOICE-C Credit invoicing of Non-Taxable sales discount, additional, order IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice M99 - Crediting Additional Discount on Non-taxable Sales, Order Connected
INVOICE-D Disbursed Tax on invoice IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice IP4 - Tax Disbursed Invoice
INVOICE-D Invoice rounding ¹IP7 - Invoice Rounding
¹IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
¹IP7 - Invoice Rounding
¹IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-D Invoice fee IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice IP6 - Invoice Fee
INVOICE-D Invoicing of taxable sales discounts ²IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
²M29 - Discount on Taxable Sales
²M29 - Discount on Taxable Sales
²IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-D Invoicing of taxable sales discounts, order M73 - Group Discount on Taxable Sales IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-D Invoicing of Non-taxable sales discount ²IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
²M31 - Discount on Non-taxable Sales
²IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
²M31 - Discount on Non-taxable Sales
INVOICE-D ³Invoicing of Non-Taxable sales discounts, order M74 - Group Discount on Non-taxable Sales IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-D ³Invoicing of taxable sales discounts, additional, order M96 - Additional Discount on Taxable Sales IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-D ³Invoicing of non-taxable sales discounts, additional, order M97 - Additional Discount on Non-taxable Sales IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
INVOICE-D Prepayment Invoice IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice IP4 - Tax Disbursed, Invoice
M192 - Taxable Future Sales
M193 - Non-taxable Future Sales
INVOICE-D Prepayment Invoice final posting IP2 - Customer Claims, Invoice
M192 - Taxable Future Sales
M193 - Non-taxable Future Sales
IP4 - Tax Disbursed, Invoice
M28 - Taxable Sales
M30 - Non-taxable Sales
INVOICE-D Advanced invoicing IP17 - Customer Claims, Advance Invoice
IP25 - Contra Account, Tax Disbursed, Adv. Invoice
IP19 - Unpaid Customer Payments in Advance
IP23 - Tax Disbursed, Advance Invoice

IP5 (Preliminary Cost) is created only if the supplier invoice first is saved with preliminary (not final) costs. The invoice must later be final posted when the real costs, e.g., M18 or M92, are known or manually entered.

¹IP7 and IP2 are either credit or debit postings, depending on whether the price is rounded up or down. IP7 is combined into one posting line per invoice.
² These posting types are either credit or debit postings, depending on whether the discount is positive or negative.
³ This system event is generated by either order value, order weight, or order volume.


Shop Order

System Event Event Description Debit Posting Type Credit Posting Type
BACFLUSH Backflush Component for Shop Order M40 - Work in Progress M1 - Inventory
CO-BACFLSH Backflush Component for Shop Order - Consignment Stock M40 - Work in Progress M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-SOISS Issue for Shop Order - Consignment Stock M40 - Work in Progress M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-UNISS Undo Issue for Shop Order - Consignment Stock Reverse of CO-SOISS
(M60 - Consignment Stock)
(M40 - Work in Progress)
GEN-OH General Overhead M40 - Work in Progress M59 - General Overhead
LABOR_RPT Report Labor M40 - Work in Progress M42 - Value Added, Labor Cost
LABOR-OH Labor Overhead M40 - Work in Progress M58 - Labor Overhead
MANUF-OH1 Overhead 1 M40 - Work in Progress M45 - Overhead 1
MANUF-OH2 Overhead 2 M40 - Work in Progress M46 - Overhead 2
MTRL-ADD Material Overhead M40 - Work in Progress M44- Material Overhead
OOREC Receipt of Shop Order M1 - Inventory M40 - Work in Progress
OPFEED Report Operation M40 - Work in Progress M41 - Value Added, Operation Cost
OPFEED-RET Return for credit for Subcontracting Operation M188 - Return for credit for Subcontracting Operations M40 - Work in Progress
OPFEED-SCP Scrapping in Operation M47 - Scrapping in Operation M40 - Work in Progress
SOASS- Negative variance of Assembly Shop Order M148 - Negative variance of Assembly Shop Order M40 - Work in Progress
SOASS+ Positive variance of Assembly Shop Order M40 - Work in Progress M147 - Positive variance of Assembly Shop Order
SODIFF- Negative Difference of Calculation M49 -Negative Diff of Calculation M40 - Work in Progress
SODIFF+ Positive Difference of Calculation M40 - Work in Progress M48 - Positive Diff of Calculation
SODISP- Negative variance of Disposition Shop Order M150 - Negative variance of Disposition Shop Order M40 - Work in Progress
SODISP+ Positive variance of Disposition Shop Order M40 - Work in Progress M149 - Positive variance of Disposition Shop Order
SODISS- Negative variance of Disassembly Shop Order M146 - Negative variance of Disassembly Shop Order  M40 - Work in Progress
SODISS+ Positive variance of Disassembly Shop Order M40 - Work in Progress M145 - Positive variance of Disassembly Shop Order
SODSPSCP Scrapping at Disposition M47 -Scrapping in Operation M40 - Work in Progress
SOGENOHV- Negative variance General OH M137 - Negative Variance of General OH M40 - Work in Progress
SOGENOHV+ Positive variance General OH M40 - Work in Progress M136 -Positive Variance of General OH
SOISS Issue for Shop Order M40 - Work in Progress M1 - Inventory
SOLABOHV- Negative variance of Labor OH M133 - Negative Variance of Labor OH M40 - Work in Progress
SOLABOHV+ Positive variance of Labor OH M40 - Work in Progress M132- Positive Variance of Labor OH
SOLABV- Negative variance of Direct Labor Cost M125 - Negative Variance of Direct Labor Cost M40 - Work in Progress
SOLABV+ Positive variance of Direct Labor Cost M40 - Work in Progress M124 -Positive Variance of Direct Labor Cost
SOMACHOHV- Negative variance of Machine OH M131 - Negative Variance of Machine OH M40 - Work in Progress
SOMACHOHV+ Positive variance of Machine OH M40 - Work in Progress M130 - Positive Variance of Machine OH
SOMACHV- Negative variance of Direct Machine Cost M123 - Negative Variance of Direct Machine Cost M40 - Work in Progress
SOMACHV+ Positive variance of Direct Machine Cost M40 - Work in Progress M122 - Positive Variance of Direct Machine Cost
SOMTRLOHV- Negative variance of Material OH M129 - Negative Variance of Material OH M40 - Work in Progress
SOMTRLOHV+ Positive variance of Material OH M40 - Work in Progress M128 - Positive Variance of Material OH
SOMTRLV- Negative variance of Direct Material Cost M121 - Negative Variance of Direct Material Cost M40 - Work in Progress
SOMTRLV+ Positive variance of Direct Material Cost M40 - Work in Progress M120 - Positive Variance of Direct Material Cost
SOREP- Negative variance of Repair Shop Order M154 - Negative variance of Repair Shop Order  M40 - Work in Progress
SOREP+ Positive variance of Repair Shop Order M40 - Work in Progress M153 - Positive variance of Repair Shop Order
SOSTART Shop Order Start M40 - Work in Progress M59 - General Overhead
SOSUBOHV- Negative variance of Subcontract OH M135 -Negative Variance of Subcontr OH M40 - Work in Progress
SOSUBOHV+ Positive variance of Subcontract OH M40 - Work in Progress M134 - Positive Variance of Subcontr OH
SOSUBV- Negative variance of Direct Subcontract Cost M127 - Negative Variance of Direct Subcontr Cost M40 - Work in Progress
SOSUBV+ Positive variance of Direct Subcontract Cost M40 - Work in Progress M126 - Positive Variance of Direct Subcontr Cost
SUBCONDIF- Subcontract Work in Progress Price Difference - Lower M64 - Subcontr WIP Price Diff - Lower M40 - Work in Progress
SUBCONDIF+ Subcontract Work in Progress Price Difference - Higher M40 - Work in Progress M63 -Subcontr WIP Price Diff - Higher
SUBCONTOH- Unreport Subcontract Overhead M138 - Sub Contract Overhead Cost M40 - Work in Progress
SUBCONTOH+ Report Subcontract Overhead M40 - Work in Progress M138 -Sub Contract Overhead Cost
SUBCONTR Report Subcontract M40 - Work in Progress M55 - Report Sub Contract Cost
SUNREC Reverse Receipt of Shop Order Reverse of OOREC
(M40 - Work in Progress)
(M1 - Inventory)
TO4-LABOR Report Labor from Time M40 - Work in Progress M42 - Value Added, Labor Cost
TO4-MACH Report Operation from Time M40 - Work in Progress M41 - Value Added, Operation Cost
TO4-NLABOR Report Negative Labor from Time M42 - Value Added, Labor Cost M40 - Work in Progress
TO4-NMACH Report Negative Operations from Time M41 - Value Added, Operation Cost M40 - Work in Progress
TO4-NOPREP Cancel Operation Reporting M40 - Work in Progress M47 - Scrapping in Operation
TO4-OPREP Scrapping in Operation from Time M47 - Scrapping in Operation M40 - Work in Progress
UNISS Undo Issue for Shop Order *Reverse of SOISS
(M1 - Inventory)
*Reverse of BACFLUSH
(M1 - Inventory)
(M40 - Work in Progress)
UNOPFD-RET Reverse Return for Credit for Subcontracting Operation Reverse of OPFEED-RET
(M40 - Work in Progress)
(M188 - Return for credit for Subcontracting Operations)
UNOPFDSCP Unreport Scrap at Operation Reverse of OPFEED-SCP
(M40 - Work in Progress)
(M47 - Scrapping in Operation)
UNOPFEED Cancel Operation Reporting from Time M41 - Value Added, Operation Cost M40 - Work in Progress
UNSODSPSCP Unreport Scrap at Disposition M40 - Work in Progress M47 - Scrapping in Operation
UNSOSTART Undo Shop Order Start Reverse of SOSTART
(M59 - General Overhead)
(M40 - Work in Progress)
UNSUBCONTR Return Subcontract M55 - Report Sub Contract Cost M40 - Work in Progress
WIPFROMSUB Work in Progress from Subcontractor M40 - Work in Progress M16 - Ship WIP to Supplier
WIPTOSUB Work in Progress to Subcontractor M16 - Ship WIP to Supplier M40 - Work in Progress

*Reverse transaction postings depends on the relevant original transaction.


Production Schedule

System Event Event Description Debit Posting Type Credit Posting Type
CO-PSBKFL Backflush Component for Production Schedule - Consignment Stock M40 - Work in Progress M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-RPSBKF Reverse Backflush Component for Production Schedule - Consignment Stock Reverse of CO-PSBKFL
(M60 - Consignment Stock)
(M40 - Work in Progress)
PSBKFL Backflush Component for Production Schedule M40 - Work in Progress M1 - Inventory
PSBKFL-LA Backflush Labor Operation for Production Schedule M40 - Work in Progress M42 - Value Added, Labor Cost
PSBKFL-OP Backflush Machine Operation for Production Schedule M40 - Work in Progress M41 - Value Added, Operation Cost
PSDIFF- Unfavorable Work in Progress Product Variance M49 - Negative Diff of Calculation M40 - Work in Progress
PSDIFF+ Favorable Work in Progress Product Variance M40 - Work in Progress M48 - Positive Diff of Calculation
PSGENOH General Overhead for Production Schedule M40 - Work in Progress M59 - General Overhead
PSRECEIVE Receipt of Production Schedule M1 - Inventory M40 - Work in Progress
PSSCRAP Report Scrap Receipt for Production Schedule M47 - Scrapping in Operation M40 - Work in Progress
RPSBKFL Reverse Backflush Component for Production Schedule Reverse of PSBKFL
(M1 - Inventory)
(M40 - Work in Progress)
RPSBKFL-LA Reverse Backflush Labor Operation for Production Schedule Reverse of PSBKFL-LA
(M42 - Value Added, Labor Cost)
(M40 - Work in Progress)
RPSBKFL-OP Reverse Backflush Machine Operation for Production Schedule Reverse of PSBKFL-OP
(M41 - Value Added,) Operation Cost
(M40 - Work in Progress)
RPSREC Reverse Receipt of Production Schedule Reverse of PSRECEIVE
(M40 - Work in Progress)
(M1 - Inventory)
RPSSCRAP Reverse Scrap Receipt for Production Schedule Reverse of PSSCRAP
(M40 - Work in Progress)
(M47 - Scrapping in) Operation
UNPSGENOH Reverse Transaction of General Overhead for Production Schedule Reverse of PSGENOH
(M59 - General Overhead)
(M40 - Work in Progress)



System Event Event Description Debit Posting Type Credit Posting Type
CO-INVREV- Inventory Value Decrease - Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-INVREV+ Inventory Value Increase - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M61 - Consignment Stock Receipt
CO-PCGCHG- Posting Cost Group Change - Remove value for old Posting Cost Group - Supplier Consignment M183 - Contra Account, Posting Cost Group Change M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-PCGCHG+ Posting Cost Group Change - Insert value for new Posting Cost Group - Supplier Consignment M60 - Consignment Stock M183 - Contra Account, Posting Cost Group Change
PCGCHG- Posting Cost Group Change - Remove value for old Posting Cost Group M183 - Contra Account, Posting Cost Group Change M1 - Inventory
PCGCHG+ Posting Cost Group Change - Insert value for new Posting Cost Group M1 - Inventory M183 - Contra Account, Posting Cost Group Change
PCGCHGTR- Posting Cost Group Change - Remove value in transit for old Posting Cost Group M183 - Contra Account, Posting Cost Group Change M3 -Inventory Transfer
PCGCHGTR+ Posting Cost Group Change - Insert value in transit for new Posting Cost Group M3 -Inventory Transfer M183 - Contra Account, Posting Cost Group Change



System Event Event Description Debit Posting Type Credit Posting Type
CO-PROJISS Issue for Project - Consignment Stock M62 - ISSUE FOR PROJECT M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-PROJREC Receipt from Project - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M62 - ISSUE FOR PROJECT
PROJISS Issue for Project M62 - ISSUE FOR PROJECT M1 - Inventory
PROJREC Receipt from Project M1 - Inventory M62 - ISSUE FOR PROJECT
PROJTRAN- Internal Transfer - Issue M3 - Inventory Transfer M1 - Inventory
PROJTRAN+ Internal Transfer - Receipt M1 - Inventory M3 - Inventory Transfer
CO-PRJTRN- Internal Transfer - Issue - Consignment Stock M3 - Inventory Transfer M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-PRJTRN+ Internal Transfer - Receipt - Consignment Stock M60 - Consignment Stock M3 - Inventory Transfer


Work Order

System Event Event Description Debit Posting Type Credit Posting Type
CO-WOISS Issue for Work Order - Consignment Stock M50 - ISSUE ON WORK ORDER M60 - Consignment Stock
CO-WOUNISS Undo Issue for Work Order - Consignment Stock Reverse of CO-WOISS
(M60 - Consignment Stock)
WOISS Issue for Work Order M50 - ISSUE ON WORK ORDER M1 - Inventory 
WOUNISS Undo Issue for Work Order Reverse of WOISS
(M1 - Inventory )
WORECEIPT Material Receipt on Work Order M1 - Inventory  M144 - Material Receipt on Work Order
WOREPISS Issue Parts to Repair on Work Order M207- Issue Parts to Repair on Work Order M1 - Inventory
WOREPREC Receipt of Repaired parts on Work Order M1 -Inventory M208 - Receipt of Repaired parts on Work Order


Fixed Assets

System Event Event Description Debit Posting Type Credit Posting Type
ADDFAPOOL Transform Inventory Part to Fixed Asset Object in Fixed Asset Rotable Part Pool M139 - Fixed Asset Pool - Part Acquired M1 - Inventory
IMPFAPOOL Transform Inventory Part to Fixed Asset Object status Import Allowed in Fixed Asset Rotable Pool M141 - Fixed Asset Pool - Part Imported M1 - Inventory
REMFAPOOL Disconnect Inventory Part from FA Object in FA Rotable Pool and remove Part from FA Rotable Pool M1 - Inventory M139 - Fixed Asset Pool - Part Acquired
REPFAPOOL Connect Inventory Part to Fixed Asset Object to replenish Fixed Asset Rotable Part Pool M139 - Fixed Asset Pool - Part Acquired M1 - Inventory
SCRAPPOOL Transform Fixed Asset Object to Inventory Part in Fixed Asset Rotable Part Pool M1 - Inventory M140 - Fixed Asset Pool - Part Scrapped