Enter Cash Box Posting Control Information


The Enter Cash Box Posting Control activity is used to enter posting control information related to the entry of cash box transactions.

The following posting types and control types are used in the cash box process. The information can be used as a guideline when setting up the posting control in a company at system start-up. For further information on Posting Control in Financials, see the process Set-up Financial Basics.

Existing Posting Types in Cash Box.

Posting Type Description Requires Ledger Account Requires Tax Account
PP1 Cash Transaction No No
PP2 Cash Discount Received No No
PP3 Cash Discount Disbursed No No
PP5 VAT Reduction, Received No No
PP6 VAT Reduction, Disbursed No No
PP7 Supplier Debts, Pre-payment Yes No
PP8 Customer Claims, Pre-payment Yes No
PP9 Parked Payment Disbursed Yes No
PP10 Parked Payment Received Yes No
PP12 Currency Loss No No
PP13 Currency Gain No No
PP16 Write-Off, Supplier Debts No No
PP17 Write-Off, Customer Claims No No
PP18 VAT Received, Paid No Yes
PP19 VAT Disbursed, Paid No Yes
PP33 Vat Reduction Received, Write off No No
PP34 Vat Reduction Disbursed, Write off No No
PP42 Deduction Rule No No
PP43 Tax Reduction Disbursed, Deduction No No
PP44 Tax Received, Direct Cash No Yes
PP45 Tax Disbursed, Direct Cash No Yes
PP46 Calculated Tax Received, Direct Cash No Yes
PP47 Calculated Tax Disbursed, Direct Cash No Yes

Available Control Types

Control Type Description Data Controlled by
AC1 Fixed Value IFS Accounting Rules
AC2 Pre-posting IFS Accounting Rules
AC4 Country Code IFS Accounting Rules
AC5 User Group IFS Accounting Rules
AC7 VAT Code IFS Accounting Rules
IC1 Supplier Group IFS Invoice
IC2 Customer Group IFS Invoice
PC2 Cash Account IFS Payment
PC3 Interest Template IFS Payment
PC4 Write-off Code IFS Payment
PC5 Deduction Rule IFS Payment

Allowed Combinations of Posting Type – Control Type

Posting Type Description AC ! AC 2 AC 4 AC 5 AC 7 AC8 IC 1 IC 2 IC 4 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC 5
PP1 Cash Transaction X     X           X      
PP2 Cash Discount Received X X X X     X   X        
PP3 Cash Discount Disbursed X X X X       X X        
PP5 VAT Reduction, Received X X X X X   X   X        
PP6 VAT Reduction, Disbursed X X X X X     X X        
PP7 Supplier Debts, Pre-payment X X X X     X   X        
PP8 Customer Claims, Pre-payment X X X X       X X        
PP9 Parked Payment Disbursed X X   X                  
PP10 Parked Payment Received X X   X                  
PP11 Additional Payment X     X           X      
PP12 Currency Loss X X   X                  
PP13 Currency Gain X X   X                  
PP16 Write-Off, Supplier Debts X X   X     X            
PP17 Write-Off, Customer Claims X X   X       X          
PP18 VAT Received, Paid X X X X X   X   X        
PP19 VAT Disbursed, Paid X X X X X     X X        
PP20 Interest Revenue X     X       X          
PP33 Vat Red Received, Write off X     X X   X         X  
PP34 Vat Red Disbursed, Write off X     X X     X       X  
PP42 Deduction Rule X     X       X         X
PP43 Tax Red. Disbursed Deduction X     X X     X         X
PP44 Tax Received, Direct Cash X       X                
PP45 Tax Disbursed, Direct Cash X       X                
PP46 Calculated Tax Received, Direct Cash X       X                
PP47 Calculated Tax Disbursed, Direct Cash X       X                

Note: Control type AC2, Pre-posting, is not available for code part A.

Connection between Posting Types and System Event


This activity requires that a company has been created and that the chart of accounts has been defined.

System Effects

Not ready


Posting Control

Related Window Descriptions

Posting Control

Posting Control Details


How posting control information is entered is explained in the process Define Financial Basics, in Set up Basic Data Accounting Rules, under the Modify Rules section.