Enter Customer Invoice Information


Use this activity to define the default IFS Financial details for a customer. This connects a customer to a company, and states details to be used at invoice entry. This mandatory task is to be performed by a system administrator or an equivalent personnel.

When handling multi-site ordering, it is recommended that the customer type is set to Internal and that a specific customer group is used. This however is not mandatory for multi-site.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:



Related Window Descriptions



To perform this activity, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Customer window and click the Invoice tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Company field, select the company from the List of Values.
  4. On the General tab, in the Customer Type list, select External to indicate an external customer or Internal to indicate an internal customer.
  5. Specify the currency code used by the customer in the Currency field.
  6. Enter the default currency rate type to be used with transactions related to the customer, in the Default Currency Rate Type field. 
  7. In the Customer Group and Payment Term fields, enter a value or select one from the List of Values.
  8. If necessary, enter the appropriate number of additional copies to print in the No of Copies field. (The system automatically suggests a value for this field based on the number of invoice copies defined in the Customer Groups window. You can change this value. If you want only the original invoice printed with no additional copies, enter zero or leave the field blank).
  9. If the default tax code will be used when manually entering a customer invoice, select a code for the manual customer invoice in the Tax Code, Manual Customer Invoice field.
  10. If the company is located in Argentina, enter the Argentinean Revenue Category in the Income Type ID field. (You must have registered the income type ID in IFS/Enterprise's Income Types window before it can be used in this field.)
  11. Select the Invoice Fee check box if the invoice fee is to be charged.
  12. Select the Notes check box to enter notes about the invoice. Anyone can view the notes entered by previous users. You cannot remove or modify the notes created by other users. 
  13. Select the Print Tax Code Text field if you want the tax code dependent text to be printed on the customer's invoices.
  14. On the Properties tab, create a new record, select the Property Code from the List of Values, and enter a value in the Value field.
  15. The IPD Tax Information tab should be set up if direct deliveries in the inter-site order functionality is made to this customer. In the IPD Supply Companies section, create a new record and enter the supply company, the supply country, the delivery address country, the tax liability and the appropriate tax id type and number.
  16. For IPD Tax Information where the tax liability is set to exempt, you also need to enter one or more tax free tax codes. In the IPD Tax Free Tax Codes section, create a new record and enter delivery type and tax free tax code. Note that the value asterisk (*) can be used for delivery type, which connotes 'for all not specifically defined delivery types'
  17. On the Jinsui Invoice Information tab create a new record and enter the relevant information on the fields. Select the Create Jinsui Invoice check box if the customer needs to be enabled for a Jinsui invoice.
  18. If required, information can be entered in the Jinsui Memo field.
  19. Save the changes.

To Inactive a customer, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Customer window and select a customer to inactivate.
  2. Click the Invoice tab and select a company from the Company field.
  3. In the Inactive Date field, enter a date from which the customer will no longer be active.  
  4. In the Inactive Reason field enter an ID or, using the List of values select a predefined reason. Alternatively you can enter an inactive reason in Inactive Reason text field.
  5. Save the information.

Note: Only the inactive reason will be saved and not the inactive reason ID.