Enter Customer Payment Information


This activity is used to enter payment information and to connect a customer to a company and to link the customer to a reminder template and interest template. This window is also used to enter tolerance amount and percentage for automatic write-off used at customer payment entry, when paid amount and invoice does not fully match. Using this activity, you can also enter the number of tolerance days allowed for payment after the discount date. The number of tolerance days is used to determine whether the customer is entitled for the discount even though the receiver receives the money after the discount date.

The reminder templates are used for reminding about outstanding balances due for payment. By linking the customer to a reminder template, a reminder can be printed out and sent to the customer. Interest templates work the same way. You link the customer to an interest template and an interest invoice can be printed.

AR Contact is a contact person to handle AR related issues in the company. AR Contact connected to the customer will be printed in some of the external AR documents such as; Customer Statement of Account, Reminders, Payment Advice, Interest Invoice, Difference Notice and Write-Off Notice.

AR Customer Contact is the contact department/person in customer side to receive AR documents. By linking AR customer contact and an output media to the customer it is possible to send certain AR documents to customer based on the output media.

You can enter several payment methods for customer direct debiting payments. For each payment method you also define the electronic payment address(es) for the customer.

You can also define a Payer for the Customer, i.e. another customer that will pay this customer's invoices. If this is done, you can also specify who will get reminders and/or interest invoices, the customer or the payer.


This activity requires that interest templates and reminder templates exist. There are default templates created at system startup and these can be modified. You can create new templates in Interest Template and Reminder Template and link them to the customers, if applicable.

Payment Methods must also exist. You can define payment methods in the Cash Book Basic Data/Payment Methods window.

AR Contact details should be defined in AR Contact window.

The communication methods should be defined in the Customer/Comm. Method tab.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the customer is linked to a reminder template and to an interest template. The templates are used in interest invoicing and handling of customer reminders. Automatic write-off in connection with customer payments are generated according to amount and percentage entered.

Payments can be made by either the customer or other payee, by the payment methods that are specified.



Related Window Descriptions

Customer, Customer/Payment


To enter customer payment information:

  1. Open Customer and click on the Payment tab. Enter Company and link the customer to an interest template and a reminder template by either accepting the default values suggested, or by using the List of Value functions. If the customer normally makes late payments, fill in the number of days in the Usual Payment Delay field.
  2. Enter Percent Tolerance used for automatic write-off, and the maximum Amount Tolerance accepted per payment occasion. In the Tolerance Currency field, state the accounting currency used. In the Tolerance Days for Discount field, enter the accepted number of days after the discount date that payment can be received and still receive the discount. 
  3. Choose from the Payment Advice list whether Payment Advice should be used.
  4. Select a value from the List of Values for the Confirmation Statement Template field if you want to specify/change the default confirmation statement template for the customer.
  5. Save the information.

To enter AR customer contact details:

  1. Select the contact name of the AR customer contact from the List of Values.
  2. Select the required output media type from the Output Media list. By default Printout is selected.

To enter customer payment method:

  1. In the Payment Methods tab, go to the Payment Methods section and create a new record.
  2. From the List of Values, choose a payment method and click OK.
  3. Select the Default check box for the payment format that should be used by default for the customer.
  4. Select the Use Default Payment Method for Installments check box if you want the customer's default payment method to be copied to the headers and installment lines of all the new invoices and difference items created for the customer.
  5. Save the information.

To enter miscellaneous customer payment info:

  1. Open the Misc Payment Info tab.
  2. If the customer will be his/her own payer, enter the default deduction group for the customer in the Deduction Group field in Payer Info group box. Enter a value in the Corporation ID field if required.
  3. If the customer is not his/her own payer, enter the customer ID of the payer in the Other Payer field.
  4. If reminders should be sent to the other payer, select the Send Reminders To Other Payer check box in the Other Payer Relation Info section group box.
  5. Select the Send Interest Invoice To Other Payer check box to send interest invoices to the other payer.
  6. Select the Send Statement of Account to Other Payer check box if you want the statement of account sent to the customer to be sent also to the payer.
  7. Enter an ID for the other payer in the Member ID field.
  8. Save the information.