Enter Payment Method Rule Details


This activity is used to define the details of the payment method rules. Payment method rules are defined per company and they are used to setup payment methods in the payment proposal based on the total amount paid to the supplier/payee in one payment proposal. 


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

As a result of this entry, details of the payment method rules will be defined.


Payment Method Rules

Related Window Descriptions

Payment Method Rule


  1. Open the Payment Method Rule window and populate it, or enter a new rule ID and save. 
  2. Click New and enter the currency code in the upper table.
  3. Enter the minimum amount. 
  4. Clear the Replace check box if the rule needs to applied for the values below the minimum amount. (Note: By default this check box will be selected).
  5. Select the line entered and click New to enter the payment methods in the lower table.
  6. Select the payment method from the List of Values.
  7. Enter the percentage. (Note: The total percentage must add up to 100).
  8. Specify the threshold amount if necessary. (Note: This is possible only if the Replace check box is not selected).
  9. Save the information.