Enter Supplier Invoice Information


This activity is used to enter supplier general details, property code and tax information to be used at invoice entry as default information. This information can be changed at invoice entry.

Enter information on the currency normally used, the default payment terms, and information on authorization and tax code. You can also view and enter property code information used for supplier invoices. Invoice properties can be used for grouping or sorting invoices, e.g., by country, region, or other parameters. Note that grouping and sorting are not currently available.

If you want use payment reference number for this supplier you can make it a mandatory entry at invoice entry.

It is possible for the Invoicing Supplier to be different from the ordering supplier. The tax code of the invoicing supplier can be different from the ordering supplier. The tax information entered relates to the ordering supplier of the purchase order.

When handling multi-site ordering, it is recommended that the supplier type is set to Internal and that a specific supplier group is used. This is however not mandatory for multi-site to work.

You can also specify on what level the matching should be performed in the purchase order and tolerance information such as the tolerance percentage, and tolerance amount, and how to handle tolerance postings. If the supplier receiving the purchase order and the supplier who issues the invoice is different from one another, the invoicing supplier name can also be specified so that the purchase orders and invoices with the different suppliers can be matched with one another.

You optionally can enter default tax information for the supplier. For example, you can enter the default values for the tax code, tax book or tax book structure, tax regime, the nature of tax liability, and the tax ID information. The supplier's tax regime will default to the tax regime specified for the company. (The tax regime determines the taxes that should be applied on invoices.)


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:



Related Window Descriptions



To perform this activity, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Supplier window.
  2. Query for the supplier.
  3. Click the Invoice tab.
  4. Create a new record.
  5. To define general invoice information, use the General sub-tab.
  6. In the Supplier Type list, click External for suppliers outside the company, or Internal for suppliers within the company, e.g., department or cost center.
  7. Specify the suppler group to which the supplier belongs to, if applicable.
  8. In the Currency field, select the default ISO code for the supplier's currency from the List of Values.
  9. In the Payment Term field, select the default payment term for payment of invoices from the supplier.
  10. In the Plan Paym Delay field, enter the number of days after or before due date when the supplier will be paid. If the supplier will be paid after the due date, enter the number of days preceded by a plus sign (+), if paying before the due date, enter the number of days with a minus sign ().
  11. In the Authorizer field, select the authorizer from the List of Values.
  12. If a preliminary code is used as the control type for posting of preliminary costs, select the code from the List of Values in the Preliminary Code field.
  13. Enter the ID of the recipient of the invoices for the supplier in the Invoice Recipient field.
  14. Enter the default currency rate type to be used with transactions related to the supplier in the Default Currency Rate Type field.
  15. If a national bank code should be used for the supplier, select the code from the List of Values in the National Bank Code field.
  16. Select the automatic payment authorization method from the Automatic Payment Authorization list. The selected method will be reflected in the Manual Supplier Invoice window.
  17. To specify automatic authorization of supplier invoices at final entry, select the Automatic Authorization of Payment Plan check box.
  18. To require entering the payment reference number at supplier invoice entry, select the Mandatory to enter Payment Reference at Invoice Entry check box.
  19. If you want to specify default invoice types for the supplier, use the List of Values to select the default invoice type for manual, automatic, and recurring manual invoices.
  20. In the PO Matching Parameters section, select the matching level for the purchase order in the PO Matching Level list.
  21. Select the Self-billing check box to allow automatic invoicing in IFS/Purchasing when a purchase order arrival is registered. If this check box is selected, no tolerance check will be performed.
  22. Specify whether tolerance is allowed for the supplier by selecting the Allow Tolerance check box.
  23. Enter a tolerance percentage or tolerance amount to define the range of tolerance when matching invoices to purchase order receipts. If values are entered in both fields, the values giving the smallest tolerance will be used by the system. If no values are specified, the corresponding amount specified on the Company/Invoice tab is used. Tolerance checks will not be performed if the Self-billing check box is selected, even if values are entered in these fields.
  24. The Tolerance Currency field will automatically display the company's accounting currency.
  25. Select the Always Create Tolerance Posting check box to create a posting line for the difference amount regardless of whether it is within tolerance or not.
  26. If you want quantity differences between the purchase order and the invoice to be ignored when authorizing the postings, select the Allow Quantity Difference check box.
  27. Select the Notes check box to enter notes about the invoice. Anyone can access the notes entered by the previous users. The user cannot remove or modify notes created by other users.
  28. Save the changes.
  29. To define a default cost code string used at final posting of supplier invoice entry, right-click and then click Default Cost Code String. Create a new record and enter the account number and required code part BJ, if required. Save the changes.
  30. To define invoice properties, click the Properties sub-tab.
  31. Create a new record.
  32. In the Property Code field, select the code from the default invoice property code for the supplier and enter a description.
  33. Save the changes.
  34. If you want to specify default tax information for the supplier, click the Tax Information sub tab.
  35. Select the tax regime of the supplier from the Tax Regime list.
  36. If you want to specify the nature of the tax liability for the supplier, use the List of Values in the Tax Liability field and select the tax liability type from the list.
  37. If the supplier was defined as subject to income tax reporting and/or withholding in the Tax Withholding/Reporting window, select a reporting method from the list.
  38. If you want to specify a default tax book or tax book structure, enter the reference for the tax book or structure in the Tax Book Ref field. You can use the List of Values to select a valid tax book or structure.
  39. If the tax regime is VAT, enter a value in the Tax Code field, or click List to select a value from the List of Values. 
  40. In the Tax ID Type field, use the List of Values to select the taxpayer identification type of the supplier.
  41. In the Tax ID Number field, enter the taxpayer identification number of the specified supplier. To validate the tax identity number right click and click the Validate Tax ID Number option. If the entered tax identity number is correct the Validated Date field will be automatically updated based on the system date. Note: This field will only be validated for EU member countries.
  42. Enter the delivery type which you want to specify as the default delivery type for the supplier in the Delivery Type field if necessary.
  43. Select the Automatic Creation of Default Sales Tax Lines check box if default sales tax lines are to be created automatically.
  44. The Invoicing Supplier field will automatically display the ID of the ordering supplier. You can use the List of Values to select a different supplier.
  45. Save the information.

To Inactive a Supplier, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Supplier window and select a customer to inactivate.
  2. Click the Invoice tab and select a company from the Company field.
  3. In the Inactive Date field, enter a date from which the customer will no longer be active.  
  4. In the Inactive Reason field enter an ID or, using the List of values select a predefined reason. Alternatively you can enter an inactive reason in Inactive Reason text field.
  5. Save the information.

Note: Only the inactive reason will be saved and not the inactive reason ID.