Enter General Supplier Purchase Info


Use this activity to enter general supplier purchase information that will be used as default values on a purchase order. This can for example be a supplier statistics group, a buyer, any additions, payment terms, and currency.

You can also enter information on whether the supplier has been quality, environment, code of conduct, or credit approved by your company. This is for informational purposes only.

The mandatory fields in the Purchase/General sub-tab of the Supplier window are: Supplier Stat Grp (Supplier Statistics Group), Buyer, Payment Terms, and Currency.

To search for this information you can open the Suppliers - Procurement Specific Information.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the information entered in the Purchase/General sub-tab of the Supplier window will be set as default when entering a purchase order for the specific supplier.



Related Window Descriptions

Supplier, Supplier/Purchase, Supplier/Purchase/General


  1. Open the Supplier window.
  2. Query for the required supplier record.
  3. Click the Purchase tab, and then click the General sub-tab.
  4. Create a new record.
  5. Enter a supplier statistics group in the Supp Stat Grp field manually or use the List of Values.
  6. Enter a responsible purchaser for the supplier in the Buyer field manually or use the List of Values.
  7. In the Addition field, you can enter a fixed addition per purchase order line, entered in the currency applicable to the supplier.
  8. Enter payment terms in the Payment Terms field manually or use the List of Values. Use the supplier's currency. Observe that the settings of payment terms must be the same in the Purchase/General sub-tab and in the Invoice tab. The Invoice tab will be available if you have IFS/Invoice installed.
  9. If the supplier is also entered as a customer and the charge/no charge functionality will be used, enter the customer number for the supplier in the Customer No field. Do this manually or use the List of Values. This is mandatory when using the charge/no charge functionality.
  10. You have the option to enter your company's customer number at the supplier in the Our Cust No field.
  11. You have the option to enter a fixed percentage discount given by the supplier to the company in the Discount Rate field.
  12. Enter the supplier's currency in the Currency field manually or use the List of Values.
  13. If the supplier is permitted to handle express purchase orders, select the Express Order Allowed check box.
  14. Save your entry.