Enter Miscellaneous Supplier Info
Use this activity to setup defaults on whether to,
e.g., use confirmation
reminders, delivery reminder intervals, whether the ordering date or the receipt
date should be used for retrieving the prices from a supplier agreement or price
list, and
supply chain information for an internal supplier. This includes defining internal supplier information, expiration date
and output
settings. This task is to be performed by a system administrator or an
equivalent personnel.
The internal supplier is used for multi-site
ordering and inventory refilling. If multi-site ordering or inventory refilling is used, the
locations executing internal deliveries must be registered as internal suppliers.
- Basic data must be defined in
the Purchase/General
sub-tab in the
- If using internal supplier, a site must be entered
in the
System Effects
- If an expiration date has been entered, the supplier will be inactivated in the
IFS/Purchasing component's supplier record at the defined date.
- A document text with a suitable output type that has been linked to the
supplier will
be transferred as the default value to any of the supplier's subsequent purchase
orders. Output types, phrases, and document phrases are all managed in
the Document Text Administration window.
- The information entered will be set
as default when a purchase order is entered
for the specific supplier.
- If receipt reference
reminders are used, you will be reminded to enter a receipt
reference when
registering arrivals and direct deliveries from the supplier. If the user
chooses to perform the receipt without entering a receipt reference, you will be
notified through an event. The Arrival_Without_Receipt_Ref event can be used for
this notification.
- If the Print Amounts incl.
Tax check box is selected, prices inclusive of tax will be printed on
purchase order documents such as the order confirmation reminder, supplier
agreement report, and purchase part report.
- If any of the check boxes in the E-mail area in the Supplier/Purchase/Misc Supplier Info tab are selected, then an e-mail relevant to the check box selected, is sent to the supplier.
Related Window Descriptions
Supplier/Purchase/Misc Supplier Info
- Open the
- In the Identity field, search for the supplier with
whom you want to
enter miscellaneous supplier information.
- Click the Purchase tab, and then click the
Supplier Info sub-tab.
- To send order confirmation reminders to the
supplier, select the Print Order Reminder check box. You also can enter order confirmation
interval and days before delivery.
- To print prices inclusive of tax on purchase documents such as the order
confirmation reminder, supplier
agreement report and purchase part report, select the Print Amounts incl.
Tax check box.
- To send delivery reminders to the supplier,
select the Print Delivery Reminder check box. You also can enter delivery reminder interval and
days before arrival.
- To connect the supplier to multi-site ordering
or inventory refilling for this supplier, select the Internal Supplier
box, and then enter a supplier site manually
or use the List of Values.
- Enter notes or document text if desired.
- To specify a date when the supplier will no longer be valid in the system,
enter a date In the Date field.
- In the Output group box, indicate whether or not to print
the purchase order.
- To decide whether the price retrieval from a
supplier agreement or price list should use the order date or the receipt date when creating
purchase order lines, click the Price Effective Date list and select the desired
- To display a warning message
when a user tries to register an arrival or a direct delivery without entering a
receipt reference, select the Receipt Reference Reminder check box.
- In the E-mail area, select the appropriate check boxe(s)
depending on whether you want to e-mail the purchase order, request for
order quotation, request for blanket quotation, the rejection letter for
order quotation, the rejection letter for blanket quotation or the
consumption consignment list to the supplier.
- Save the changes.