Analyze Incident Cause


This activity is used to register the analysis of the incident.


In order to perform this activity, possible incident causes are required to defined in the Incident Basic Data/Cause Analysis/Causes tab.

System Effects

There are no system effects.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Incident window. Ensure that the required incident case is selected in the header.
  2. Open the Incident/Cause Analysis tab.
  3. Specify the immediate cause, indirect cause and basic cause for the incident in the relevant field. You can select values from the list.
  4. Specify any substandard conditions and job factors which caused the incident in the relevant fields. You can select values from the list.
  5. Specify the person who performed the analysis in the Assessor field.
  6. Specify the date of analysis in the Assessment Date field.
  7. Enter any additional comments in the Remark field.
  8. Save the information.