Register Personnel Injury Details


This activity is used to register the details of injury and/or illness to employees caused by the incident.


In order to perform this activity;

System Effects

There are no system effects.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Incident window. Ensure that the required incident case is selected in the header.
  2. Go to the Incident/Personnel Injuries and Illness tab create record.

    If you want to enter an external person (person who is not already registered in the system);
  3. Select the External check box.
  4. Enter a name of the person in the relevant fields.
  5. In the Company ID field, enter the company to which this external person should be registered.
  6. If required enter date of birth, gender, address information of the person in the respective fields.
  7. Save the information. An identifier for the external person will be automatically created by the system. This unique identifier will show in the Person ID field. Note that the identifier created for the external person will not be connected to person ID's saved in the Person window.

    If you want to enter an internal person;
  8. Enter the person ID of the person that was affected by the incident in the Person ID field. The person's name, company in which the employee has the master employment, the position assignment, address information etc. will show in the respective fields.
  9. If required, you can enter additional information in the Pre-Incident, Involved Objects and Remark fields.
  10. Save the information.
  11. Create a new record in the Injury and Illness Related table.
  12. Specify whether the incident caused an injury or illness to personnel by selecting a value in the Personnel Incident Type field. Use the list to select either Injury or Illness.
  13. In the Personnel Incident field, specify the type of injury or illness. Select a value from the list.
  14. In the Injured Part field, specify the part of the personnel's body which was affected by the injury or illness.
  15. In the Injury/Illness Description field, describe the injury or illness.
  16. In the Number of Lost Work Days Away from Work field, specify the relevant number of work days.
  17. Specify the type of medical treatment that was provided for the injury or illness in the Medical Treatment field. Select an option from the list.
  18. In the Severity Level field, specify the severity of the injury or illness. Select a severity level from the list.
  19. You can also specify the details of the physician and hospital which attended to the personnel's injury in the relevant field.
  20. Save the information.
  21. Repeat the steps to enter details of more persons.