Register Incident


This activity is used to register the basic details of the incident causing injuries, illness to personnel and/or damages.


In order to perform this activity;

System Effects

There are no system effects.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Incident window and create a new record.
  2. In the Incident Case No field, enter a case number.
  3. Enter the description for the incident in the Incident Case Reference Name field.
  4. Specify the company in which the incident occurred in the Company ID field.
  5. If the incident is relevant to a project, you can specify the relevant project in the Project ID field. You can select a value from the list.
  6. Go to the Incident/General tab and specify the organization in the company which coordinates the incident report in the Coordinating Department field. Select and organization code using the list.
  7. Select an incident class from the list in the Incident Class field.
  8. Enter the date on which in the Incident Date field. You can also, enter the time of incident in the Incident Time field.
  9. In the Responsible Organization field, enter the organization code in the company which is responsible for the overall incident.
  10. You can also specify a person in charge and coordinator in the relevant fields.
  11. Enter further details of the incident such as the location in which the incident occurred, the objects/substance that were involved in the incident, the environmental conditions which affected the incident, severity level of the incident etc. in the relevant field.
  12. You can specify the type of incident in the Incident Type field. Select a value using the list.
  13. Enter the date on which the incident was reported in the Reported Date field.
  14. If the incident type is reportable to an external regulatory body, the Reportable to External Body check box will be selected.
  15. Select the Company Premises check box, if the incident occurred within the company premises.
  16. Save the information. Your employee ID in the company will be will be automatically entered in the Reported By field.