Inventory Basic Data/Insp Codes
Quality Basic Data/Insp Codes

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Use this tab to study or modify the available inspection codes; you also can enter your own codes. Inspection codes are used in purchase receipt and in quality management. The inspection code can have up to 20 characters; it calculates the quantity to be inspected on the purchase order, and the sample size on the control plan. The inspection type can either be a fixed quantity or a percentage.  

In IFS/Quality Management inspection codes are used when you enter data points for control plans. In purchase receipt, inspection codes are used together with a receive case that requires inspection. In this case, an inspection code can be linked to the combination of supplier and purchase part. When you enter the purchase order line, the inspection code appears by default. You also can enter manually an inspection code when entering a purchase order line. 

Once the inspection code has been used somewhere in the application, it cannot be deleted. But the inspection code description and value may be updated at anytime.  

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Procurement
BDR for Quality Management


Add or Modify Inspection Codes