Invoice Number Series

[To Define Financials Basics]


Use this window to enter, change, and view details of invoice number series. Number series for the invoice series CD, CR, II, IR, RP, RC, RS, CUDIFF, and SUDIFF are created automatically when the component Invoice is installed. A number series is defined in three ways:

It is recommended that the Start Value and End Value has the same number of positions. For example: Start Value = 00001 and End Value = 99999. Especially if the Automatic Matching functionality in IFS/Payment is to be used where the parameters are based on number of positions for number series. See the External Payments Parameters in Cash Book/External Interface for detailed information.

If a maximum number of characters for the payment reference has been defined (Max No. of Char. for Payment Reference field in the Invoice Series window), and a customer invoice creation method is selected in the Company/Invoice tab, the system will validate the invoice number series when you save it. The validation will check that the payment references (created from the series ID and the invoice number) will not be longer than the maximum length specified. 

Activity Diagrams

Specify General Customer Invoice Information
Specify General Supplier Invoice Information


Enter Invoice Number Series
Enter Invoice Series