Modify Customer Order Invoice


When the customer invoice is created in Create Customer Invoices, Create Collective Customer Invoices, Create Customer Credit Invoices, Create Customer Correction Invoices, Create Advance Payment Invoice, Customer Self-Billing Invoice or Create Prepayment Based Invoice, the invoice can be viewed and modified in Customer Invoice. Modifications are possible only on condition that the invoice is not printed.

The Customer Invoice window contains the General tab and the Lines tab. In these tabs, you can modify data such as references, delivery conditions and modes, forwarding agent, invoiced quantity, price, discounts, invoice line discounts, payment term base date, etc.

The payment term base date will, by default, be the same as the invoice date. However, you can modify it by entering the desired date in the Pay Term Base Date field in the Customer Invoice/General tab as long as the invoice is in a Preliminary state. An update of invoice date also will change the payment term base date if both dates have the same value. If the invoice date and payment term base date are different, a change in the invoice date will not affect the payment term base date. The payment term base date itself can be modified without affecting the invoice date. Therefore, this feature enables full control of the calculation of the payment due date. Note that an update of the date in the Pay Term Base Date field on the invoice will not automatically update the date in the Pay Term Base Date field on the customer order.

By right-clicking an invoice line and opening the Customer Invoice Line Discount dialog box, you can view the discounts for the line. You can modify a discount line by changing the discount rate and the discount amount. You can add a new discount line or remove an existing line. You can also change the discount calculation basis by using partial sums. Note that any updating of discounts must be performed in both Customer Order and Customer Invoice for the calculation dialogs to correspond. This is necessary since there is no connection between them after the customer order line discount information is duplicated to customer invoice line discounts (when the invoice is created).

Discounts can also be used to create a zero invoice. There are different ways to create a zero value invoice line. By entering a group discount that results in a total discount of 100% or by entering a line discount of 100%, the gross amount of the invoice will be zero. An alternative way to create a zero invoice for the order is to set the sale unit price for the sales parts to zero on the invoice lines.

It is possible to remove a Credit and Correction Invoice if it is still in status Preliminary.


System Effects

System effects occur only if you make changes to the invoice. According to any changes made, the columns Net Amount, Gross Amount, and VAT Amount are updated.

Changing the value in the Invoice Date field on the Customer Invoice/General tab would change the currency rate and the tax currency rate (this is only if different rates have been defined for the relevant periods, and if this is not a correction invoice). If the invoice currency is different from the base currency, values in the base currency will also be recalculated for the customer invoice lines and header.

A zero invoice will be created if the total of the discounts amounts to 100%, resulting in a gross amount of zero.

An update of the invoice date also will update the payment term base date when both dates are the same.

When the Remove option is selected,  the invoice is completely removed from the system: If the Customer Invoice had been derived from an RMA, references to the customer invoice will be removed, and entries will be made in the Return Material Authorization/ Return History tab. If the Customer Invoice is linked with a customer order line, entries will be made in the Customer Order/Order History tab.

If you cleared the Show credit lines for Correction Invoice check box, only the debit lines of the customer invoice will be visible.


Customer Invoice

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Invoice, Customer Invoice/General, Customer Invoice Line Discount


To make general invoice changes:

  1. Populate or query for the customer invoice in question.
  2. Perform any necessary changes.
  3. Save.

To review or change invoice installments:

  1. Right-click on the window header and choose Installment Plan and Discounts.
  2. Perform any necessary changes in the dialog box.
  3. Save.

To review or change invoice line discounts:

  1. Right-click an invoice line and choose Invoice Line Discount
  2. Perform any necessary changes in the dialog box.
  3. Save.

To review or change invoice line taxes:

  1. Right-click an invoice line and choose Tax Lines.
  2. Perform any necessary changes in the dialog box.
  3. Save.

To print a work copy of the invoice:

  1. Populate or query for the invoice in question.
  2. Right-click on the window header and choose Print Work Copy.
  3. In the dialog box, select Invoice from among the print options offered. Preview the document by Preview. Print the document by clicking OK. If the invoice is preliminary the printout will be marked Preliminary at the top of the page; otherwise it will be marked Copy.

To create a credit invoice:

  1. Populate or query for the invoice in question.
  2. Right-click on the window header and click Create Credit Invoice.
  3. A message box is displayed. Click OK to confirm the crediting.

To create a correction invoice:

  1. Populate or query for the invoice in question.
  2. Right-click on the window header and click Create Credit Invoice.
  3. A message box is displayed. Click OK to confirm the crediting.

To remove a Credit or Correction Invoice:

  1. Populate or query for the invoice in question.
  2. Right-click on the window header and choose Remove Credit/Corr. Invoice.
  3. A message box is displayed. Click OK to confirm the removal. The invoice is now removed.

To hide credit lines:

  1. On the Customer Invoice/Lines tab, right-click and click Properties.
  2. In the Object Properties dialog box that appears, click on the View Credit Lines tab.
  3. Clear the Show credit lines for Correction Invoice check box to make the credit lines on the customer invoice invisible.
  4. Click OK.