Query - Customer Invoices with Interest and Fine


This activity is used to view customer invoices with any applicable interest and fine amounts. Interest and fine can be simulated by calculating the interest and fine amounts for a specific base date. When simulated, these amounts get calculated according to the rates specified for the installment plans of the invoices. Differences between paid amounts and simulated amounts of interest and fine will also be displayed.


This activity requires that customer invoices have  been entered.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Customer Invoices with Interest and Fine Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Query - Customer Invoices with Interest and Fine


To query for customer invoices with interest and fine:

  1. Open the Customer Invoices with Interest and Fine Analysis window.
  2. To view or modify installment plan details for an invoice, select the right mouse button option Customer Installment Plan to open the Customer Installment Plan and Discounts window.
  3. In the header part of the window, specify a date for simulation in the available data field and select the Simulate Interest and Fine check box. The simulated interest and fine amounts and the difference in interest and fine amounts will be displayed in their respective fields.