View External Voucher Load Information


This activity is used to get a general overview of all load IDs related to the loading of external voucher transactions. This window can also be used to:


In order to perform this activity, a file with external voucher transactions must have been loaded.

System Effects

This activity makes it possible to display current external load identities and to perform different actions on a load.


External Load Information

Related Window Descriptions

External Load Information


Use the following procedure to view the load identity or identities:

  1. Open the External Voucher Load Information window and populate the window or query for a specific load ID.
  2. Right-click and click Show Transactions to launch the detail window that displays the transactions related to the load ID.
  3. Right-click and click Remove Loads to remove all external voucher information related to one or more load IDs.
  4. Right-click and click Remove All Error Codes to remove the error text on the transactions related to a load ID.
  5. Right-click and click External File Transaction to launch the Transaction window in the External File toolkit.
  6. Right-click and click Check External Voucher to perform consistency check of external voucher transactions before creating the vouchers.
  7. Right-click and click Create Voucher to begin creating vouchers in the hold table.