Handle Manual Postings

The Handle Manual Postings process contains an activity diagram to create manual vouchers, interim vouchers, and multi-company vouchers. There is also an activity diagram to update vouchers from the hold table to the general ledger.

Create Manual Voucher. These activities are used to enter information on a manual voucher. A simulation voucher can be created to provide queries and reports in the general ledger and in internal ledgers with the possibility to include or exclude amounts. A voucher template and/or pseudo codes can be used to facilitate entry. It is also possible to copy a voucher from the hold table or to copy voucher rows from a voucher in the general ledger. Activities to enter a note for the voucher and an activity to create periodic allocation information are included as well. After a voucher has been entered it is possible to update it instantly to the general ledger.

Create Interim Voucher. Interim vouchers are useful for accrued or prepaid costs and revenues during a period, or for year-end settlements. The voucher that constitutes the basis for the interim voucher must have been placed in the hold table. This voucher is selected and information on the interim vouchers is entered.  After the interim voucher has been entered, it is possible to update instantly to  the general ledger. Interim vouchers marked as simulation vouchers are also used when manual vouchers marked as simulation vouchers are entered.

Create Multi Company Voucher. A multi company voucher is created in one company, i.e., a home company, and contains voucher rows belonging to the home company and to other company/companies in the same legal entity. Each voucher can be edited or updated in the company to which it belongs. The multi company voucher has function group M for Manual Vouchers in the home company, while it has function group D for Multi Company Vouchers in the company to which it belongs.

Update General Ledger. These activities are used to update the vouchers from the hold table to the general ledger. The voucher to be updated must be in Approved status. The updating routine can be performed on line or in batch.

Approve Vouchers. Before vouchers can be updated from the hold table to the general ledger, the vouchers must be in Approved status. The Approve Vouchers form displays a list of vouchers not yet approved and which the current user may approve. Several vouchers can be approved in one step. From this form, it is also possible to make changes in vouchers and/or update them to the general ledger.

Before entering information on the vouchers, the following activities can be useful:

Voucher Queries in Hold Table

The following query forms can be used for retrieving information on vouchers in the hold table:

Voucher Queries in General Ledger

The following query forms can be used for retrieving information on vouchers in the general ledger: