Compare Engineering and Manufacturing Structures


This activity is used to view the similarities and differences between an engineering structure and a manufacturing structure. The top level components of the engineering structure and manufacturing structure are displayed at the same time in a split window. Clicking All populates the tables with the entire top level of both structures, Equal populates them with the portions of both structures that are identical, Difference populates them with the portions of both structures that are different and Tree populates the comparison of structures in their entirety. The equal and difference comparisons are based on component parts and quantities per assembly.

Note: You can compare only one level of a structure at a time.


This activity requires that the structures of the parts be entered.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, you can compare engineering structures with manufacturing structures.


Compare Engineering Part Revision and Manufacturing Structures

Related Window Descriptions

Compare Engineering Part Revision and Manufacturing Structures


  1. In the Engineering Structure area, select the required part number in the Part No field.
  2. In the Manufacturing Structure area, select the required manufacturing part in the Part No field.
  3. Click All to view all components in both structures. You must visually compare the structures to see the differences.
  4. Click Equal to view components that are identical in both structures. To qualify as identical, the components must be of the same part and have the same quantities per assembly in the structures.
  5. Click Difference to view the components that differ in the structures, i.e., the components that exist in one structure but not in the other. Some of the parts that are displayed as different may be the same part with different quantities per assembly.
  6. Click Tree to view the results from the all, equal, or difference functions in a tree structure.