Convert Interim Demand Structure to DOP


Use this activity when you want to create a DOP order structure manually from an interim demand for a configured part. This activity requires that the interim order was created manually. The structure of the new DOP will match that of the interim order. You can also create a DOP from an interim demand in customer order. 


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a new DOP header is created in Unreleased status, with DOP orders that match the interim demand structure.


Interim Demand Header

Related Window Descriptions

Interim Demand Head
Create Interim Order
Evaluate Rules


  1. On the Interim Demand Header window, query for the interim demand header on which to create a DOP structure.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the header and then click Create DOP
  3. On the message that appears, click Yes. The DOP is created.
  4. To view the DOP Header once you have created the DOP, right-click anywhere in the header and then click DOP Header.