Define Material for Instruction and Subtask


This activity is used to define the material that will be utilized per instruction or subtask.

In this instance, the material can refer to necessary components for replacement and/or dispensable parts such as nuts and bolts. There can be certain materials that will not be required each time an operation is performed. For such occurrences, you can specify how likely it is that the material will be used by entering a probability percentage for the relevant material line.

The parts on the material list are not connected to a site at this point since you may not know which workshop will perform each operation. You can connect the material list to a site when it is actually used for a maintenance task.


System Effects


Instructions per Maintenance Code
Modification Details
Condition Monitoring Program
Instructions per Fault Function
Serial Part Revision  

Related Window Descriptions

Instruction/Material List
Instructions per Maintenance Code
Instructions per Maintenance Code/Material Usage
Subtask/Material List  
Modification Details
Modification Details/Instructions
Modification Details/Instructions/Material Usage
Condition Monitoring Program
Condition Monitoring Program/Instructions
Condition Monitoring Program/Instructions/Material Usage
Instructions per Fault Function
Instructions per Fault Function/Material Usage
Serial Part Revision
Serial Part Revision/Life Limit
Serial Part Revision/Life Limit/Material Usage 


Use the following procedure to create a material line using the part revision for which the instruction is valid:

  1. Open the Instruction window and query for your part revision.
  2. Click the Material List tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Sub Part Number field, enter the part number of the part that is to be included in the material list. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  4. When the sub part number is selected, a value in the Sub Part Revision field appears automatically. If this is not the required sub part revision, use the List of Values to select another value.
  5. If the part is to be supplied by a manufacturer, enter the manufacturer's number in the Manufacturer Number field. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  6. If the part is to be supplied with a specific manufacturer's part number, enter the value in the Manufacturer's Part No field. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  7. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of material (i.e., the selected part) that is to be used during the execution of an operation.
  8. If the part will not be used every time the operation is executed, enter the probability (as a percentage) of the part being needed in the Probability field.
  9. Save the record (F12).

Use the following procedure to create a material line using the manufacturer's part number:

  1. Open the Instruction window and query for your part revision.
  2. Click the Material List tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Manufacturer's Part No field, enter the manufacturer's part number that is to be included in the material list. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  4. The corresponding sub part revision information appears automatically in the Sub Part Number and Sub Part Revision fields. If needed, use the List of Values to select another sub part revision in the Sub Part Revision field.
  5. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of material (i.e., the selected part) that is to be used during the execution of an operation.
  6. If the part will not be used every time the operation is executed, enter the probability (as a percentage) of the part being needed in the Probability field.
  7. Save the record (F12).

Note: You can also define materials for an existing instruction in the following windows:

Use the following procedure to define the material to be used on a subtask:

  1. Open the Subtasks window.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the desired subtask.
  3. Click the Material List tab and create a new record (F5).
  4. Specify the sub part number and sub part revision of the material. Use the List of Values in the relevant fields to select valid values. You can also directly select the manufacturer's part number for the material, thereby retrieving the sub part revision.
  5. Enter the quantity of material required.
  6. Save the information (F12).