Define a new Structure Position
This activity is used to register a new structure
position for a template structure. A modification can introduce one or more new
template structure positions. This structure change will be introduced into the template
structure through the modification revision on which this activity is performed. Note
that the template structure will not be updated automatically, instead, you need
to select the Add Position to Template option to perform the update
manually. For more
information, refer the activity
Update Template Structure.
- The modification must have been created. This
modification must be in the Preliminary status.
- The template structure must have been created.
System Effects
- A new structure position is defined for the
template structure.
- The right mouse button option Add Position to
is made available once the modification is set to the Active status.
- The new structure position can be added to the
template structure using the Add Position to Template option.
- Once the modification is activated, the new
structure position is a valid position (even though it might not have been
added to the template structure yet) for a serial that has performed the
Related Window Descriptions
Define Modification
Define Modification/Structure
Define Modification/Structure
Impacts/Template Changes
- Open the
Define Modification window
and query (F3) for the modification revision you want.
- Click the
Structure Impacts tab and
then click the
Template Changes
sub tab.
- Create a new record (F5).
- In the Structure Impact Type list, click
New Structure Position.
- In the Template Part Number field, enter
the template part number of the template part for which the new position
will be defined. Use the List of Values to select a value.
- In the Template Part Revision field, enter
the preferred template part revision of the template part. Use the List of
Values to select a value.
- In the Impacted Structure Position field,
enter the structure position that is affected by the modification. Use the
List of Values to select a value.
- Enter a value in the New Parent Structure
Position field. This value is used to determine where in the structure
the new structure position should be placed. Use the List of Values to
select a value. Note: Structure positions that have their configuration
controlled by another template cannot be entered in this field.
- In the New Prime Part Number field, enter
the part number of the new prime part you want registered for the given
structure position (i.e., as shown in the Impacted Structure Position
field). Use the List of Values to select a value.
- In the New Prime Part Revision field, enter
the preferred prime part revision of the new prime part. Use the List of
Values to select a value.
- Save the record (F12).