Events in IFS Distribution
The following events are available in IFS/Customer Order:
- An incoming customer order has been stopped.
- A customer order's status has been changed.
- A customer order has been released.
- A customer order has been credit blocked.
- An error has occurred while processing a customer order.
- An error has occurred while sourcing a customer order line.
- A pick list has been created for a customer order.
- A customer order has been delivered.
- A customer refill order for consignment stock has been created.
- A customer order line's status has been changed.
- A customer order line has a shortage.
- A customer order line's planned delivery date or quantity has been changed.
- A customer invoice has been created.
- A purchase order line pegging has been changed due to changes on a pegged
customer order line.
- A shop order pegging has been changed due to changes on a pegged customer
order line.
The following events are available in IFS/Customer Schedules:
- A new external customer schedule has arrived.
- An external customer schedule could not be created.
- An external customer schedule has been stopped.
- A customer schedule reconciliation has failed.
- A customer schedule could not be released.
- A customer schedule is out of tolerance.
The following event is available in IFS/Inventory:
- Inventory count result has been registered.
- An individual has been connected to a fixed asset rotable part pool.
- An individual has been removed from a fixed asset rotable part pool.
- FA Status has been changed to Scrap Allowed for a fixed asset object in a
fixed asset rotable part pool.
- An individual has been added to a rotable part pool.
- An individual has been removed from a rotable part pool.
The following events are available in IFS/Purchasing:
- A purchase requisition line's quantity has been changed.
- A purchase requisition line has been deleted.
- A purchase requisition line's receipt date has been modified.
- A purchase order has been released.
- An incoming purchase order confirmation has been stopped.
- A purchase order line connected to a customer order has been modified.
- A purchase order line has been deleted.
- A purchase order line connected to an incoming purchase order confirmation has been
- A purchase order line has been delivered directly to the customer.
- A purchase order line, connected to a customer order, has been entered as arrived.
- A purchase order line's quantity has been modified.
- A purchase order line's planned receipt date has been modified.
- A new purchase price catalog message has arrived.
- A purchase price catalog message has updated price groups.
- A purchase price catalog message has been stopped.
- A purchase price catalog message has been rejected.
- A receipt of a pegged purchase order line did not fulfil the pegged
- A purchase requisition line needs authorization.
- A purchase order needs authorization.
- A purchase order line has been shipped (B2B).
The following events are available in IFS/Supplier Schedules:
- A supplier schedule release has failed.
- A supplier schedule is out of tolerance.
- A supplier schedule transfer has failed.