Calculate Actual Location Group Time Share


This activity is used to calculate actual location group time share. The actual location group time share shows how a specific worker divides his time among different location groups. This value is useful when planning the resource situation. It is the effective time share that is used in the system for planning reasons, rather than the actual time share. However, it is possible to update the effective time share with the actual time share at all times.

The location group time share calculation is based on the warehouse tasks that have been performed during a specified period. The calculation is grouped by site, warehouse worker, and warehouse task type.

The result of the calculation is the actual time share in percent that the worker spends on different location groups. This value is displayed in the column Actual Time Share in Warehouse Task Basic Data/Warehouse Worker/Location Group tab.


In order for the calculation to give any result, at least one warehouse task on this location group must have been performed on this site by the specific warehouse worker during the selected period.

System Effects

The actual location group time share will be calculated either for one or for all warehouse workers on a specific site, based on the warehouse tasks executed during the selected period. The actual time share is updated in Warehouse Task Basic Data/Warehouse Worker/Location Group tab.


Calculate Actual Location Group Time Share

Related Window Descriptions

Calculate Actual Location Group Time Share


To perform this calculation you can either do it directly (procedure A), or schedule the task as a background job (procedure B).

A. To perform a calculation directly:

  1. Open the Calculate Actual Location Group Time Share dialog box.
  2. Enter the site in the Site field, or select from the List of Values. Your default site is automatically suggested by the system.
  3. Enter the worker ID in the Worker ID field, or select from the List of Values. If you want to make the calculation for all workers, leave the field empty.
  4. In the From Date field, enter the first date in the period on which you want to base your calculation. The date that is suggested by the system is a date six months earlier than today.
  5. In the To Date field, enter the last date in the period on which you want to base your calculation. If you want to include all tasks until today, you can leave this field empty.
  6. Click OK when you are ready.
  7. Open Warehouse Task Basic Data/Warehouse Worker/Location Group tab and view the Actual Time Share field if you want to check the result of the calculation.
  8. If you want to include this value in the planning, you can update the field Effective Time Share.

B. To schedule this calculation as a background job:

  1. Click Schedule to open the New Database Task Schedule window. Set the scheduling parameters as desired and save. Scheduled tasks can be seen in Scheduled Database Tasks window.
