Create Count Report
This activity is used to create inventory lists that are
used when performing a physical inventory count. The
system creates a count report that can be printed from the Report
The Advanced feature enables you to
specify additional selection criteria, e.g. whether the part are company owned
or customer owned, and the project
ID, on which the inventory parts will be included in the
count report.
The Default feature enables you to use the default settings. Default settings
are derived from the Task Registration
window in IFS Admin, which is set by the administrator.
- The parts that should be counted must be received into an inventory location.
- If only parts with cyclic counting should be included in the count report, the
corresponding check box must be selected in the Inventory
Part/Misc Part Info tab.
Then, the next count date, as regulated by the cyclic period, decides whether it is time
to count the part. This date can be seen in Query - Quantity per Location
System Effects
- If the parts are frozen while counted, the parts on the specified locations will be
stopped from any transaction until the counting results have been reported. You can check
to see whether the part is frozen for counting in Query - Quantity per
Location Details.
Even if the part has not been selected to be frozen while counting, if any count result is rejected as a result of exceeding the maximum counting difference limits set up for the site, the part will be frozen until the count result is approved or canceled.
- If you have scheduled the task as a background job, the
task will be automatically performed based on the specified selection criteria.
Create Count Report
Related Window Descriptions
Create Count Report
Count Report-Additional Parameters
You can either create a count report directly
(procedure A), or schedule the task as a background job (procedure B).
A. To create the count report directly:
- Open the Create Count Report dialog box.
- Enter a value for the Site field or click List to select one
from the List of Values.
- If you want to specify a range of warehouses and
bays, enter start and end values or wildcard
expressions in the respective fields. Do this either by entering a value or click List
to select one from the List of Values.
- If you want to specify a range of part numbers, enter
start and end values or wildcard
expressions in the respective fields. Do this either by entering a value or click List
to select one from the List of Values.
- If you want to specify additional selection criteria,
click Advanced. You can, for example, do the following:
You can limit the contents to parts
using cyclic counting, determine whether the parts should be frozen during
counting and exclude parts that are company owned, customer owned, or parts
belonging to project/standard inventory. You can even use wildcards to
indicate the project inventories that are to be included by entering
appropriates values in the Project ID field.
all the necessary selection criteria are defined, click OK to complete the operation.
- In the Report Archive window , click Preview
to view the report or click Print to print the report directly.
Note: Click Default if you want to use
the default settings.
B. To schedule the create count report
task as a background job:
- Click Schedule and follow the steps of the wizard.