Perform Order Proposal


The order proposal is used by a purchaser or planner to study the demand for inventory parts using planning method B - Order Point System, or planning method C - Refill Level.

It is also possible to create and delete purchase requisitions, shop order requisitions and create purchase orders and distribution orders. The supply type on the inventory part determines whether a purchase order or a purchase requisition will be created by the order proposal. A distribution order will be created instead of a purchase order if the primary supplier for the part has Multi-site Planned Part selected. The requisitions that can be deleted must have been created by the order proposal.

Some of the fields in the planning data that affect the order proposal are:

The Advanced feature enables you to specify additional selection criteria for records that will be included in the order proposal. For example, delete old requisitions, create requisitions/orders, and process manufactured orders.

The Default feature allows you to use the default settings for this activity. Default settings are derived from the Database Tasks window set by the administrator. 

Note 1: Order proposal calculations only include standard inventory (i.e., project inventory balances are excluded).
Note 2: If the available quantity is below the specified safety stock, the Order Proposal Planning functionality may still create duplicate supplies / supply proposals (i.e., when converting the generated requisition to purchase order with the due date falling within the purchase lead time).


System Effects

The system effects vary depending on which settings you have indicated.


Create Order Proposal

Related Window Descriptions

Create Order Proposal
Create Order Proposal-Additional Parameters


You can either create an order proposal directly (procedure A) or schedule the task as a background job (procedure B).

A. To perform the create order proposal task directly:

  1. Open the Create Order Proposal dialog box. 
  2. Enter a value for the Site field or click List to select one from the List of Values.
  3. If you want to use the part number, commodity group 2, planner, or planned days as a selection criteria, enter the appropriate values in the respective fields. Do this by entering values or click List to select one from the List of Values. The wildcard character (%) can also be used to select a group of records.
  4. Enter a value for the PO Coordinator field or click List to select one from the List of Values
  5. If you want to specify additional selection criteria, click Advanced. You can choose from among the following additional selection criteria as appropriate: delete old requisitions and distribution orders that are not released as yet, create requisitions/orders, and process purchased parts. If you select the Calculate Planning Data Before Creating Order Proposals check box, you can specify a value in the Periods field. 
  6. If the necessary selection criteria has been defined, click OK to complete the operation.

Note: Click Default if you want to use the default settings. 

B. To schedule the create order proposal task as a background job:

  1. Click Schedule to open the New Database Task Schedule window. Set the scheduling parameters as desired and save. Scheduled tasks can be seen in Scheduled Database Tasks window.