Define Inventory Template Part


Use this activity to define inventory parts that can be used as templates when you create new parts in IFS/PDM Configuration. Planning data for these parts will be copied when new inventory parts are created in PDM Configuration. If you have common planning data for parts that you want to use frequently when creating new parts, you can save time by specifying a part with those parameters as a template part. This data is used by the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) process and also in order proposal calculations in IFS/Inventory.

You can define more than one template part, but only one of the parts can be identified as the default. When creating a part in PDM Configuration, you can select from among the template parts entered in this tab. If you do not select a template part, the default template part will be used.


System Effects

When you create new parts in PDM Configuration, you can select from among the template inventory parts to use for creating planning data for the new part. If you do not choose a template part, the part defined as the default template part will be used.


Inventory Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Inventory Basic Data
Inventory Basic Data/Template Parts


To define an inventory template part:

  1. Open the Inventory Basic Data window and click the Template Parts tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Site field, use the list of values to select the site. The site description will automatically display.
  4. In the Part No field, select from the available parts in the List of Values. The part description and the part standard name (if any) will automatically display.
    Note: Before selecting a part, you may want to verify the planning data for the part in the Inventory Part/Planning Data tab to be sure the values displayed are the values you want to use as a template for new parts.
  5. If this is the only part defined as an inventory template part for this site, the Default Template Part check box will be selected automatically.
  6. To change the default template part, select the desired record row, then right-click and then click Set To Default.