Move To Transit


When you want to move a part, you can choose whether the parts should be moved directly to an inventory location or moved to transit. While the parts are in transit, i.e., under transport, they are not available for reservations. You can only move parts among those inventory locations that belong to the same company.


System Effects


Move Inventory Part

Related Window Descriptions

Move Inventory Part


  1. In the upper part of the window, either populate or query for the part number in question.
  2. If the part can be found on several delivery locations, display the list via the list box in the Part No field and select the proper part. In the lower part of the window you can see where the part is located.
  3. In the lower part of the window, select the line to which you want to move parts or, if you want to enter a new location, select New.
  4. Enter the quantity to be moved in the Quantity Moved column.
  5. If the part is catch unit enabled, enter the catch quantity you want to move to transit.
  6. Enter Move to transit by using the list box in the Destination column.
  7. If you are entering a new location, you should enter a site in the Site column. However, the user site is entered by default. If there are other sites connected to your user ID, you can change the site by using the List of Values or by entering the proper short code.
  8. Optionally, you can enter an expiration date.
  9. If you have chosen to enter a new location, you must select a location by using the List of Values in the Location No column. You also can enter a short code.
  10. Optionally, you can enter a note.
  11. Save.
  12. If the part is serial tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory, and you are moving the part to a site other than the default user site, then a dialog box appears where the serial number(s) to be moved should be identified. Click OK when completed.