Register Receipt of Parts


There may be times when you want to enter receipts manually without purchase orders or shop orders. This activity is used to register the receipt of parts without serial and lot/batch numbers. To use numbering of the inventory parts, refer to the activity Register Receipt of Parts with Serial and Lot/Batch Numbers.

Note that you cannot enter direct receipts of parts into project inventory; you can receive parts directly only into standard inventory.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, an inventory part is entered as received into stock.


Receive Inventory Part

Related Window Descriptions

Receive Inventory Part
Define Cost Structure


  1. In the upper part of the Receive Inventory Part window, either populate or query for the part number in question.
  2. If desired, you can add a note which will be entered in this inventory transaction. You can regard this note as a means of communicating the responsible person for the transaction or its cause.
  3. In the lower part of the window, you can see one or several locations where your parts are located. Click in the Quantity Received field in front of the location to which you want to add parts and enter the number of received parts. If you want to use another inventory location, select New and enter the quantity and inventory location.
  4. If the part is catch unit enabled, enter the catch quantity which you have received.
  5. Optionally, you can enter the expiration date.
  6. If you have chosen to indicate a location other than that displayed, you can enter the W/D/R number.
  7. Save.

If you do not have a defined standard cost for the part or if the part is set up with Zero Cost Only, you must manually define the cost structure for the part. This should be done in the Define Cost Structure dialog box that opens upon saving the line.

To define the cost structure, follow procedure in Option 1 or 2. The Define Cost Structure dialog box will re-appear once for each line that you have entered on the Receive Inventory Part window:

Option 1:

  1. As the Define Cost Structure dialog box appears, a cost structure will be suggested and displayed by default. The suggestion is based on the inventory part unit cost or the last inventory transaction, and dependent on the inventory part cost level setting on the Inventory Part/Cost tab. If you want to use the suggested cost structure, skip over to step 6. If not, continue from step2.
    Notes: The first time a part is received, the dialog box will not show a suggested structure.
  1. If required, update values in the Cost/Unit fields of existing lines.
  2. Click the Remove button to remove any unnecessary lines.
  3. To add a new line, click the New button. Click on the Cost Bucket ID field and select a suitable cost bucket from the list of values.
  4. If you using cost details, enter suitable values in the Cost Source ID and OH Accounting Year fields.
  5. Enter a value in the Cost/Unit field.
  6. Repeat steps 4-6 and enter as many new cost detail lines as required. Note that you should always maintain at least one line with a material type cost bucket in your cost structure.
  7. Click Ok.

Option 2:

  1. Click on the Split Cost button.
  2. In the Split Costs into Details dialog box that props up, enter a value in the Total Unit Cost field.
  3. Click OK. The total cost will be split up into cost detail lines in accordance with the settings in IFS/Costing.