Perform ABC, Frequency and Lifecycle Classification


This activity is used to calculate and update ABC, frequency and lifecycle classification of inventory parts.


Inventory part statistics should be updated to ensure that latest data is available

System Effects


Perform ABC, Frequency and Lifecycle Classification

Related Window Descriptions

Perform ABC, Frequency and Lifecycle Classification


  1. Open the Perform ABC, Frequency and Lifecycle Classification window.
  2. Enter the site either manually or by using the List of Values.
  3. If the analysis should be done based on the cost sets, enter the cost set manually or from the List of Values.
  4. If the analysis should be done based on the cost type, select from the Cost Type list.
  5. Enter a value in the Number of Periods field. Note: If the classification is done per asset class, the number of periods could be fetched from the asset classes.
  6. Click OK.