Release Distribution Allocations


This activity is used to release distribution allocations. When allocations are released, you can either release the distribution orders that are automatically created, or only release the allocation. You have three different release options. You can either choose to create and release distribution orders in a background job.  Else you can choose to create distribution orders online; these orders will not be released. Finally, you can choose to create distribution orders in a background job; these orders will not be released. If you choose to release the distribution orders, depending on the order type setting, customer orders will be processed based on the order type setting.


System Effects


Distribution Allocation
Distribution Allocations

Related Window Descriptions

Distribution Allocation
Distribution Allocations 


  1. Open the Distribution Allocation or  Distribution Allocations window and select the desired allocation.
  2. Right-click, point to Release Options and select one of the three options listed.
  3. Refresh the allocation to see your changes.

Note: To automate the receipt process of the purchase orders, you can select the check box Automatic Receipt of you purchase part and supplier combination in Supplier for Purchase Part window. Furthermore, you can enter a default location in Inventory Part/Default Locations tab that match your receive case found in Supplier for Purchase Part/Inspection Info tab.