Rename Serial Part


This activity is used to rename a serial by changing the part and/or the serial number of the serial.

IFS Applications currently features a method for renaming a part that has been repaired or reworked (hence changing form, fit or function). This method is however only available from VIM so the part must be defined as a VIM serial part.

There is a business requirement to rename parts that are managed in an MRO process outside of VIM. In the part serial, it is only possible to rename a serial part that is stored in the inventory, provided that no reservation exists for the serial part and that it is not defined as a VIM , Equipment, Project Delivery or a Plant Design object.

When the part and/or serial number of a serial is changed, the operational status of the old serial (i.e., the serial before the rename) is set to Renamed.

If a Supplier-Loaned serial is being renamed, please note that it will not be possible to return the renamed serial using the purchase order through which it was received. The reason for this limitation is that the purchase order only allows you to return items that have been received. You need to use a customer order to return a Supplier-Loaned serial which has been renamed.

The following table shows the information that can be updated when renaming a serial:

Serial information

Instances where the information should be modified

Rename Reason

Enter the reason for renaming the serial. You can select from three predefined values, which are Correct Typing Error, Modify Generated Serial Number and Modification Compliance.


If the manufacturer of the old part number and new part number differ, the manufacturer of the new part number must be entered.

Manufacturer's part number

If a new manufacturer is entered, the corresponding manufacturer part number must be entered as well. Furthermore, some manufacturer's change their part numbers once an overhaul is performed or when a modification is completed. In such instances, the new manufacturer part number can be updated on the serial.


System Effects


Part Serial Catalog  

Related Window Descriptions

Part Serial Catalog


  1. Open the Part serial Catalog window and query (F3) for your serial part.
  2. Right-click and then click Rename . The Rename Serial Part dialog box will be opened.

  3. Data required to be entered in the dialog box:
  4. If the part number is to be changed, enter the new value in the New Part No field. Click List to select a valid part.
  5. In the New Serial No field, enter the serial number you want.
  6. In the Rename Reason field, enter the reason for renaming the serial. The rename reason Correct Typing Error is set by default, but can be changed if needed.
  7. If the manufacturer is different for the old part number and new part number, the manufacturer for the new part number should be entered in the Manufacturer No field. Click List to select a valid value.
  8. Enter the new manufacturer part number in the Manufacturer's Part No field. Click List to select a valid value.
  9. Click OK.