Multilevel Repair


When a multilevel-tracked part is received into the inventory after manufacturing, it records the full level as-built structure underneath. In a multilevel repair process, we retrieve this full level saved structure and do the necessary structure changes through a repair shop order. You may add new components to the structure as well as you may remove some components from the existing structure. This is done through the Component Replacement Details dialog box. Components removed from the structure can be received into the inventory as salvage parts. A history record is created for each change done which can be viewed in the Repair History window.

Once the repair is completed, a new as-built structure is created with the changes done when receiving the repair part into the inventory.

Changes in Multilevel Repair with Respect to Normal Repair

Although the multilevel repair process inherits the normal shop order flow, there are further changes that are applied to the multilevel repair process.  For instance,


In order to process a multilevel repair, there are some requirements to be fulfilled.

If the parent part is serial-tracking-enabled:

  1. The parent part to be repaired should be multilevel-tracked.
  2. The quantity in the repair shop order should be 1.
  3. The parent part should be reserved to the repair shop order.
  4. There should be at least one child existing for the parent part in the as-built structure.
  5. The parent part should not contain a structure underneath in IFS/VIM.
    Note: In case the parent part is both serial and lot/batch-tracked, the search for components for the parent part does not consider the lot/batch number of the parent part. Here the search is done for the specific part serial with the maximum as-built revision number. This is required to get the correct as-built structure for a serial where the lot/batch number of the parent has been changed due to some reason.

If the parent part is not serial-tracked but lot-tracked.

  1. The parent part to be repaired should be multilevel-tracked.
  2. The parent part quantity should be reserved to the repair shop order.
  3. All the parent parts should be reserved from a single lot/batch.
  4. There should be at least one child existing for the parent part in the as-built structure.

Repair Possibilities

Under multilevel repair it is possible to add a structure component, remove a structure component, or replace a structure component. It is also possible to install an already available component to the as-built structure, remove a component which is not actually present from the as-built structure, or define a component for direct salvage while it has not been listed in the as-built structure.

These actions can be performed in any level of the as-built structure.

Track the Repair Process

For each of the structure changes done to the as-built structure, there exists a history record which can be viewed in the Repair History window. Here, you can update some of the parameters such as Repair Reason and Notes in the repair history, if the new as-built structure has not been created.

Salvage Parts

When a structure component is marked as to be removed from the actual structure received, that component is called a Salvage Part and it can be received into the inventory separately, whether it is a component listed either in the original as-built structure or not. Ownership of the salvaged part is as same as the parent part. Following requirements must be made in order to receive a salvage part to the inventory.

  1. The parent material must have been completely issued.
  2. Location, Cost and Condition Code (if applicable) have to be defined for the salvage part.
  3. It should not have been received into the inventory earlier.

A received salvage part can be un-received using the Un-receive Salvage Part option. Then the component will be issued again from the inventory and it will be attached in its parent.

Revert Changes

It is possible to revert the changes done to one or several component lines in a multilevel repair shop order on following conditions:

  1. Parent part has not been received into the inventory after the repair.
  2. If the change has created salvaged parts, then those salvaged parts should not have already been received into the inventory.
  3. If the change has created any new material demand, then those materials should not have been issued. (If there any reserved materials exist, then those will be un-reserved)

Receive Repaired Part

Receiving of the repaired part is done via the Receive Shop Order window. There are certain changes applied for the receiving of a repaired part when you do a multilevel repair.

  1. The following right click options that appear in the Shop Order window and/or in the Receive Shop Order window will be disabled:
    • Manual Unreceive
    • Reserve Serial No
    • Build Tracked Structure
    • Receive Serial Parts
    • Receive Reserved Lots
    • Match Lots to Serials and Receive
    • Generate Order Based Lots
    • Shop Order Graphical As Built Structure
  2. If the repaired part is lot/batch-tracking-enabled, then a new lot /batch number should be reserved to the parent part before receiving the repaired part. You cannot receive the repaired part with the existing lot/batch number. If the repaired part has order-based lot tracking-enabled, then the generated lot/batch number will be used. All the new sub-assemblies will also get the same lot/batch number.
  3. A new as-built structure is created when receiving the repaired part for all the changed sub-assemblies and the parts above it.
  4. When creating the new as-built structure, all the sub-assemblies along with their components are excluded if the Repair Action for those are set as Removed, Replaced or Not Present. Those sub-assemblies will also be marked as removed from the old as-built data.
  5. When creating the new as-built structure, any new component added by using Add, Replace or Install  as the Repair Action will be installed.
    Exception: Components with the Exclude from As-Built structure check box selected in the Component Replacement Details dialog box will not be added in to the new as-built structure.
  6. If a sub-assembly has changes defined where the specific parent part is serial-tracked, then the as-built revision will be incremented by 1 when creating the new as-built structure.
  7. Receiving a multilevel repair shop order is irreversible.