Enter Filter for Shop Floor Workbench


This activity is used to enter a filter for the shop floor workbench if necessary. The filter tells which default attributes will be automatically entered in the header of the shop floor workbench. It also filters shop order operations which will be displayed in the  shop floor workbench. It is possible to connect the filters to an employee or a team.



System Effects

Based on the basic data entered, the filters will be created.


Shop Floor Workbench Filters

Related Window Descriptions

Shop Floor Workbench Filters


  1. Open the Shop Floor Workbench Filters window.
  2. To enter a filter for the shop floor workbench, create a new record.
  3. Enter a value in the Filter ID field and a description in the Filter Description field and choose which site the filter should be valid on.
  4. Select which operations to be displayed as default by selecting an option in the Selection list. Available options are:|
    All - All the operations including Planned and Closed operations will be displayed.
    Executable - The first operation of released shop orders and the operations with any quantity reported in the previous operation will be displayed. When there is a reported quantity in previous operation of the parallel operations, all the successive parallel operations will be displayed. Operations in Planned or Closed states will not be displayed.
    Released - All the operations except for those in Planned and Closed states will be displayed.
    Ongoing - Operations with active setup or run time clocking will be displayed.
    My Ongoing - Operations having active labor clocking reported by the employee or the team entered in to the shop floor workbench will be displayed.
    Interrupted - Operations with Interrupted status will be displayed.
  5. Select how the operations should be sorted by selecting an option in the Dispatch Rule list. Available options are:
    As Scheduled - Operations are sorted in the ascending order according to the Planned Start Date.
    Earliest Due Date - Operations are sorted in the ascending order according to the Shop Order Need Date.
    Operation Due Date - Operations are sorted in the ascending order according to the Planned Finish Date.
    Shortest Process Time - Operations are sorted in the ascending order according to the Remaining Manufacturing Hours.
    Shop Order Priority - Operations are sorted in the ascending order according to the shop order priority. Adjustment Factor is used to sort the operations in descending order. Operations having the same adjustment factor are sorted according to the Planned Start Date. If shop order priority is not defined, Adjustment Factor is considered to be 100.
    Operation Priority - Operations are sorted in the ascending order according to the Operation Priority. Operations with no priority value will be placed after the operations with priority value. Operations having the same priority value are sorted according to the Planned Start Date.
    Grouping - Operations are sorted in the ascending order according to the Group by Note.
  6. If preferred, enter filter criteria for, department, production line, work center and labor class.
  7. In the Interval Min and Interval Max fields, enter the day period relative to today, as you want the operations to be displayed.
  8. Save the record.