Retrieve Demands


Use this activity to retrieve plan demands for this Kanban circuit for use in Kanban calculations. You can specify the demand source, either Sales Quotation/Customer Order, Customer Schedule/Customer Order, MS/MRP or Production Schedule, and the date range to sample. If the part is planned in Master Schedule Level 1, the system retrieves all Master Schedule receipt quantities for the date range. If the part is planned on MRP, the system retrieves all net requirements for the date range from the last MRP run. If the part is production scheduled, the system retrieves all component requirements for the part for this date range in current production schedules. If the demand is directly obtained from the sales quotations and the customer orders, the system retrieves all the release planned sales quotations and customer orders that have not been pegged to the supplies already. If the demand is directly obtained from the customer schedules and customer orders, the system retrieves all the planned customer schedules and customer orders that have not been pegged to the supplies already. As an alternative, you can enter your own demand quantity and choose Kanban Circuit as the demand source.


This activity requires that a demand exists, in either the Kanban Circuit, the Production Schedule, the Master Schedule Level 1, the Material Requirements Plan, the Sales Quotation, the Customer Order, or the Customer Schedule demand source. You can specify the preferred number of days to sample in the Date Range (Days) field of the Kanban Basic Data window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity the system retrieves a profile of all the demands for this date range and stores them for use in Kanban simulations. The new profile overwrites any previous demand profiles. Also, the system calculates the average demand and stores it for use in Kanban calculations.


Calculate Kanbans
Kanban Circuit
Kanban Circuits

Kanban Demand

Related Window Descriptions

Calculate Kanbans
Kanban Circuit
Kanban Circuits
Kanban Demand


  1. In the Kanban Circuit window, right-click and then click Retrieve Demand. Alternatively, from the Calculate Kanbans window, select the Retrieve Demand check box.
  2. Select the demand source and other appropriate values.
  3. Specify the date range for the Kanban calculations by entering values in the From Date and To Date fields. If you do not enter these values, the system, by default, sets the From Date equal to the current date. The default To Date reflects the Date Range (Days) specified in the Setup tab of the Kanban Basic Data window.
  4. Click OK. New values appear as appropriate in the Demand Qty, Last Changed, To, and From fields.