Receive Multilevel Repair Shop Order


This activity is used to receive the repaired part into the inventory from a multilevel repair shop order.


System Effects


Receive Shop Order

Related Window Descriptions

Receive Shop Order


  1. Open the Receive Shop Order window and query for the required record.
    Verify that the lot/batch number you reserved in the shop order has been displayed in the header. Also notice that the Received Part options Substitute Part and Byproduct are disabled.
  2. Create a new record in the table window. Notice that the correct values for the Lot/Batch No, Serial No fields are displayed in the new record. Also notice that if you have defined any structure changes in the top level, then the part revision you selected in the Component Replacement Details dialog box is displayed in this record.
  3. You may update the Location, Condition Code, Part Revision fields if necessary.
  4. Save the record and you will be informed that the receipt of multilevel repair shop order is irreversible. Click Yes to receive.

    You can view the new as-built structure created in the As-Built Structure window.