Report Point Receipt


This activity is used to report production that was performed at a defined report point. You cannot report more production than was reported at a previous report point, i.e., quantities must be reported through each report point defined. If the parent part comprises of one or more catch unit (CU) enabled component parts, you must first reserve the catch unit enabled components. 

Note: Labor and operation setup time for each receipt is calculated as;
[(setup time/standard lot size)*receipt quantity]
If standard lot size is not defined, then the total setup time will be reported for every receipt. 


This activity requires that the production schedule exists. A part must be associated with a production line. Report points must be defined for the production line.  

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system backflushes the components and operations used up to a defined report point. The report point balance is updated for the specific report point. If a routing is defined, all operation steps falling between this report point and the previous one are backflushed at standard cost. Operation-linked components used by the reported operations are backflushed. Material not linked to operations is assumed to be required at the start of the production. Thus, it is backflushed at the first report point. If inbound locations are defined, they are used by backflush in its search hierarchy. If an alternate component substitution sequence is defined, it is used by backflush when issuing material. Inventory transactions are created for all issued components. Operations history transactions are written for any backflushed machine or labor operations.


Report Point Receipt
Production Schedule by Line
Production Schedule by Line Part

Related Window Descriptions

Report Point Receipt
Production Schedule by Line

Production Schedule by Line Part

Production Receipt


From the Report Point Receipt window:

  1. Open the Report Point Receipt window.
  2. In the Production Line list, select the production line and part for which to report production.
  3. In the Structure area, specify either the structure/routing revision, or the structure/routing alternate.
  4. In the Backflush list, specify whether the backflush process should be run immediately or deferred.
  5. In the Qty Reported field, type the quantity to report at the specific report point. You cannot report more quantities than are reported in a previous report point.
  6. Save.

From the Production Schedule by Line window:

  1. Open the Production Schedule by Line window.
  2. In the Production Line list, select the production line for which to report production.
  3. Select the production schedule line for which to report production. Right-click and then click Production Receipt. The Production Receipt dialog box will appear.
  4. In the Production Receipt dialog box, specify how many parts to report and receive into inventory in the Qty Reported field. The scheduled quantity is the default value.
  5. In the Backflush list, specify whether the backflush process should be run immediately or deferred.
  6. In the Structure area, specify either the structure/routing revision, or the structure/routing alternate.
  7. In the Location area, select the Report Point check box to create a report point receipt.
  8. In the Location area, specify the report point in the Report Point field. Click List to select from available report points.
  9. Click OK.

From the Production Schedule by Line Part window:

  1. Open the Production Schedule by Line Part window.
  2. In the Part No list, select the part for which to report production.
  3. Select the production schedule line for which to report production. Right-click and then click Production Receipt. The Production Receipt dialog box will appear.
  4. In the Production Receipt dialog box, specify how many parts to report and receive into inventory in the Qty Reported field. The scheduled quantity is the default value.
  5. In the Backflush list, specify whether the backflush process should be run immediately or deferred.
  6. In the Structure area, specify either the structure/routing revision, or the structure/routing alternate.
  7. In the Location area, select the Report Point check box to create a report point receipt.
  8. In the Location area, specify the report point in the Report Point field. Click List to select from available report points.
  9. Click OK.