Enter Split Reason Code


When a shop order split is performed, it is mandatory that a pre-defined reason code be attached to the split.


This activity requires that split reason codes must already have been defined in the Split Reason Code tab of the Split Checklist Basic Data window.

System Effects

The system attaches a reason code to each split shop order.


Split Checklist Basic Data
Shop Order

Related Window Descriptions

Split Checklist Basic Data
Shop Order


Basic Data Procedure

  1. Select the Split Reason Code tab of the Split Checklist Basic Datawindow.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter a Split Reason Code with a maximum of ten characters.
  • The Split Reason Description is required and may have up to thirty five characters. The Split Reason Note is not required but may have up to two hundred characters.
  • In the Split Reason Type field, choose Scrap, Rework, Engineering, Material, or Expediting
  • Save.
  • Shop Order Procedure

    1. In the header of a shop order, right-click and then click Merges and Splits.
    2. Select Split Shop Order.
    3. Click List while the cursor is in the Split Reason field of the table to view the allowed split reason codes.
    4. Select the Split Reason by highlighting it and then clicking OK, or by double-clicking on the selection.