Create Split Checklist


A split checklist is used as a control for shop order splits. By listing either documents or activities and the person responsible, the user can designate the steps necessary to approve the performance of a split. Orders without a checklist may be split at any time by anyone. 


If a business process requires the use of a checklist, templates must first be created in the Split Checklist Basic Data window.

System Effects

The system attaches a checklist to the shop order split functionality that must be approved and completed before the split can be performed.


Split Checklist Basic data
Shop Order

Related Window Descriptions

Split Checklist Basic Data
Shop Order


Basis Data Process

  1. In the Split Checklist Basic Data window, create a new record while the cursor is in the Check List ID field.
  2. Enter a numeric Check List ID and complete the Checklist Description. Save.
  3. Enter the Split Checklist Item No. and Checklist Question. A Checklist Comment is optional.

Shop Order Header Process

  1. In the header of a shop order, right-click and then click Merges and Splits.
  2. Click Maintain Split Checklist.
  3. In the Shop Order Split Maintenance dialog box, the user can choose to apply a Checklist Template by clicking List while the cursor is in the Check List ID field.
  • The user can create a completely new checklist or make modifications to a selected template by entering the data into the columns of the table. Once the data is entered, click OK.