Perform Shop Order Split


Shop order splits are used to respond to material and schedule changes in the manufacturing environment.


This activity requires that:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Shop Order

Related Window Descriptions

Shop Order
Split Shop Order
Manufacturing Standards Basic Data


  1. In the header of a shop order, right-click and then click Merges and Splits.
  2. Select Split Shop Order.
  3. Click either Discrete Split or Percentage Split.
  4. Enter a shop order number. If this field is left blank, the system will assign one.
  5. The user must enter data into the Shop Order Type and Split Reason fields. To display the split reason codes, click List.
  6. For a discrete split, enter the Lot Size. For a percentage split, enter the Split Percentage and Lot Qty Rounding.
  7. In the Starting Operation field, the user may select a different operation number. This number is where the operations routing in the new shop order will begin.
  8. The user may define the number of orders the split will create, up to the distribution of the total original lot size.
  9. Click OK to finish.

Note: CRO pegged shop orders cannot be split via this activity.