Stop Setup
This activity is used to stop a started setup on one or several operations.
The setup must have been started on the operation.
System Effects
- The started setup will be stopped for the selected operation and all
operations with the same clocking sequence.
- The stop time will be recorded on the clockings. The clockings can be
viewed in the Clockings tab.
- The monkey wrench symbol the operation had during the setup will be now
- If Stop Reason is set to Interrupted an exclamation mark
will appear to the left in the operation list.
- The status of the operation will be set with regards to the value
selected in Stop Reason and previous reports:
- Setup Started - When no runtime or quantity is
reported on the operation and Stop Reason is set to Setup Partly
- Setup Complete - When no runtime or quantity is
reported on the operation and Stop Reason is set to Setup
- Interruption - When Stop Reason has been set
to Interrupted.
- Partly Reported - When a runtime and or quantity
has been reported on the operation.
- Transactions are created in operations history:
The total time is calculated and one transaction per clocking and operation
is created in operation history.
Time is calculated as: Stop time – Start time; calendar
For Machine Time the work center calendar is used.
For Labor Time the labor class calendar is used. If the employee has
a calendar connected this will override the labor class calendar for the
labor time.
Depending on the site settings either all time, only calendar time or
calendar and overtime is included.
In Anonymous Reporting mode, the crew size defined in the start
dialog box will be saved on the labor transaction and used in the cost
In Employee Reporting mode, one transaction per employee is created and
the crew size is calculated with regards to other overlapping clockings for
the employee.
The total time on the operations started at the same time (with the same
clocking sequence) will be proportionally divided among the operations
according to the planned time defined on the shop order operation line.
Example: three operations have 10, 15, and 22 planned minutes (planned total
of 47 minutes), and in total 62 actual minutes are reported.
13,1915 + 19,7872 + 29,0213 = 62
Shop Floor Workbench
Related Window Descriptions
Shop Floor Workbench
Stop Setup
- In the Shop Floor Workbench window, select
the operation and click Stop Setup.
- The
Stop Setup dialog box will
- Select an appropriate option in the Stop Reason list.
- Click OK. The finish time can be viewed in the Clockings