This activity is used to manage data related to the generation of serial numbers for serial parts.
Serialized parts are distinguished by unique serial numbers. If for any reason one or more serial numbers are not known at the time of creating the serial records, you can allocate temporary system generated serial numbers to those lacking a serial number. Such serial numbers are sequence monitored per part number and based on its base number. In this activity, you can either change the existing base number or revert back to the default base number for the serial part.
System generated serial numbers may be prefixed. At creation, serial parts will receive "NO-" as the default serial number prefix. This prefix can be changed for the different parts as per your requirements. Note: If the serial rule of the part is set to Automatic (in Part Catalog), the generated serial numbers will not include the given serial number prefix.
Serial Part Information
Manage Serial Number Generation
Serial Part Information
Serial Parts