Verify or Adjust Default Object Properties


This activity is used to verify or adjust object properties. Object properties are pre-defined settings that are imperative for the installation of IFS/Vehicle Information Management (IFS/VIM). It is recommended to examine property values after the installation is complete and change the values if necessary. Following is a list of all available properties in IFS/VIM. 

Parameter Description Legal Values
DEFAULT_OWNER The default owner code to use,
  • when generating serial numbers for a structure that contains a vehicle part number.
  • (If IFS/Complex MRO is used) when creating vehicles due to DPF (different part found) Handling.
All legal owners defined in IFS/Enterprise are valid. The default value is 000.
UPD_VEH_COND_CODE This controls the automatic update of the condition code of a vehicle, when a task is distributed on a serial. TRUE (default value)
ORDER_NO_PREFIX A prefix for the order number of a maintenance order. A combination of any two characters is valid. The default value is MO.
TASK_DURATION_HOURS The default duration (in hours) of the maintenance task. This is used to display the default task date or time when a task is distributed. Any positive number is valid. The default value is 4.
TASK_WARNING_DAYS The number of days a maintenance task is pending before it is considered old. A warning is displayed when an operational logging is performed. Any positive number is valid. The default value is 10.
OPER_EVENT_DELAY The number of days an operational event is to be retained after its completion. After this date, the operational event is removed by a batch job. Any positive number is valid. The default value is 14.
PLANNED_EVENT_WARN The warning percentage to use when a maintenance event is manually changed in PlannedEvent. Any number between 0 and 100 is valid. The default value is 50.
ERROR_LOG_CLEANUP The number of days before old items in the error log are to be removed. Any positive number is valid. The default value is 5.
MAINT_PLAN_HORIZON The horizon (in years) to allow maintenance planning on a maintenance plan. This is used to validate intervals in the maintenance plan. Any positive number is valid. The default value is 100.
FUNCTION_LEVEL_INSTR The number of levels to use in a function breakdown when an instruction is registered for a serial that is not a vehicle. Any number between 0 and 3 is valid. The default value is 1.
FUNC_LEVEL_INSTR_VEH The number of levels to use in a function breakdown when an instruction is registered for a vehicle. Any number between 0 and 3 is valid. The default value is 1.
TASK_CALC_EVENTS The number of events to create per maintenance code for a task calculation.  FIRST
SEVERAL (default value)
TASK_CALC_HORIZON The horizon (in years) for the planned events from task calculation. This requires the value SEVERAL in the TASK_CALC_EVENTS parameter to have an effect. Any positive number is valid. The default value is 5.
MIN_CONFIG_SETTING The default value for minimum configuration when an entry is created in the serial structure template. TRUE (default value)
OPER_LOG_SEV_EVENTS Is it possible to perform an operational logging on an operational event more than once? No Requirements (default value)
Not Allowed
OPER_LOG_MAND_EVENTS Is it possible to perform an operational logging without entering an operational event? No Requirements (default value)
DEFAULT_LOCATION The default location code to use,
  • when serial numbers are generated for top serials that are not vehicle parts,
  • when serial numbers are generated for vehicle parts where a Vehicle ID is optional,
  • (If IFS/Complex MRO is used) when performing disassembly/assembly of an overhaul object structure during an MRO shop visit. Here, the default location is used for the structure transactions that take place through a background job.
All legal location codes are valid. The default value is 000.
FUNC_LEVEL_REPAIR The required number of levels to use in a function breakdown when a fault repair (finish task) is reported. Any number between 0 and 3 is valid. The default value is 1.
FROM_TO_SERIAL_RANGE The separator to use when assigning a serial number range (from - to) for a modification. Any character is valid. Note: The character cannot be identical to the other property values for the SERIAL_RANGE separator. The default value is ..
SEP_SERIAL_RANGE The character to use when assigning more than one serial number range for a modification. Any character is valid. Note: The character cannot be identical to the other property values for the SERIAL_RANGE separator. The default value is ;
ALL_SERIAL_RANGE The character to use when assigning all serials to a serial number range for a modification. Any character is valid. Note: The character cannot be identical to the other property values for the SERIAL_RANGE separator. The default value is %
VIM_DB_CONTRACT The site of the database where IFS/Engineering and IFS/VIM resides. All legal sites are valid. The default value is *
PCM_DEFAULT_EMPLOYEE The default employee for the work orders transferred from IFS/VIM. There is a special logic connected to the predefined values: "SYS" can be used directly without creating an employee. "*" (asterix) is replaced with the identity of the current user. All legal employees (MSCOM) are valid. The default value is *
VIM_COMPANY The company used to find the currency of all the IFS/VIM costs. This is used to convert values if the work order currency is different, or when operating with several work order currencies.  Any positive number is valid. The default value is *
LAST_DATE_LIMIT The number of years (past) for which you are allowed to start operational loggings. Any positive number is valid. The default value is 2.
DEFAULT_HIST_LANG The default language for storing part descriptions in VIM history records. All legal language codes defined in IFS/Application Services. The default value is en.
CONFIG_TEMPL_SETTING The default value for configured in separate template when an entry is created in the serial structure template. TRUE (default value)
CREATE_WO_STRUCTURE This determines if the option to create a work order structure when distributing tasks on a maintenance order should be selected automatically. TRUE (default value)
AUTO_FINISH_ORDER Indicates whether the order should be finished when the last task is finished or canceled. FALSE (default value)



System Effects

Several settings that affect, for example, background jobs, cleanups, application behavior are changed. 


System Definitions 
Configuration Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

System Definitions/Object Property
Configuration Basic Data/Object Property


Using the System Definitions window:

  1. Open the System Definitions window.
  2. Click the Object Property tab.
  3. Query (F3) for the required object or property.
  4. Verify or adjust the value in the Property Value field.
  5. Save the record (F12).

Using the Configuration Basic Data window:

  1. Open the Configuration Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Object Property tab.
  3. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the particular object property you want.
  4. Verify or adjust the value in the Property Value field.
  5. If the object property requires validations to be performed, select the Validation Enabled check box.
  6. Next, in the Validation Enabled field, enter the appropriate validation method that consists of the ObjectLu, ObjectKey, PropertyName, and PropertyValue.
  7. Save the record (F12).