Recalculate Period Template

[About MS Graphs] [To Master Scheduling]


Use this activity to recalculate the period template selected in the Cumulative MS graphic window. This recalculation is necessary if the selected Level 0 or Level 1 part's last run date does not match the begin date of the selected period template. 


This activity requires that a Level 0 or Level 1 part exists, along with a period template.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system displays the Recalculate Period Template dialog box. When you click OK in this dialog box, the system recalculates the selected period template's begin date to make it match the Level 1 part's last run date. This match is necessary in the system's graph calculations.


Cumulative MS Graphic

Related Window Descriptions

Cumulative MS Graphic, Recalculate Period Template


  1. Populate the Cumulative  MS Graphic window. Alternatively, select a Level 0 or Level 1 part in the Part No list box, then fill out the other fields. Either type the information or use LOV.
  2. Choose Show Graph from the right mouse button menu. If an error message tells you that the period template recalculation date does not match with the selected part's last run date, choose Recalculate Period Template from the RMB menu. The Recalculate Period Template dialog box appears with the part's last run date displayed in the Period 1 Begin Date field.
  3. Click OK to recalculate the period template to use the part's last run date as the period template's begin date.
  4. From the RMB menu, choose Show Graph again.