Select MS Graph Parameters


Use this activity to change the default values for the period range to be used for generating the detailed MS graph. This activity also allows you to determine whether you want the graph to display unconsumed or full forecast data. In addition, you can specify whether you want it to display cumulative unconsumed forecast or cumulative unconsumed supply data.


This activity requires that a Level 1 or Level 0 part exists.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system uses the specified period range and types of data to generate the detailed MS graph.


Detailed MS Graphic

Related Window Descriptions

Detailed MS Graphic, Recalculate Period Details, MS Graph Parameters


  1. In the Detailed MS Graphic window, choose Show Graph from the RMB menu. The MS Graph Parameters dialog box appears.
  2. If desired, change the default values in the Begin No and End No fields by typing in new period numbers.
  3. Select either Unconsumed or Full to specify the type of plot forecast data that you want to see on the graph.
  4. Select Unconsumed Forecast or Unconsumed Supply to specify the type of cumulative data that you want to see on the graph.
  5. Click OK. The system generates a detailed MS graph for the specified period range and types of data.