Project MS Supplies and Demands


This activity is used to locate the origin of the supply and demand for a project master scheduled (project MS) part.


This activity requires that project master scheduling must be performed.

System Effects



Project MS Part
Project MS Supplies and Demands

Related Window Descriptions

Project Master Schedule Part/Supplies and Demands
Project MS Supplies and Demands


To view supply and demand information for a single part:

  1. Open the Project MS Part window and query for the desired part.
  2. Click the Supplies and Demands tab to view records for each project MS supply and demand item for the part.

To view supply and demand information for all parts that exist in your user-allowed sites:

  1. Open the Project MS Supplies and Demands window.
  2. Populate the window or query for the desired parts to view records for each project MS supply and demand item for each part.