A Partial Part is a serialized part that was an assembly but has been incompletely disassembled in the execution of an MRO shop visit. Because some residual form of the part remains after the disassembly process, it is tracked as a partial part in inventory. A partial part can be viewed just like any other serialized part, but will only be used as a component when reassembling the disassembled part.
The relationship between parts and maintenance levels indicates if a partial part may be created. If a maintenance level will not fully disassemble the part in question, the relationship is flagged as creating a partial part. When a disassembly shop order is executed on the part in question for the maintenance level in question, the result is a partial part.
Partial parts are received through a disassembly shop order. The partial part is pegged to the assembly order that will reassemble the part that had been partially disassembled. The maintenance level that resulted in the partial part instance is displayed with the part serial catalog data for the part and serial that is now a partial part.
When the assembly order is executed, the partial part will be one of the allocated components of that order, becoming the starting point for rebuilding the item that had been disassembled and that had generated the partial part. The partial part is not available for general use for other orders because it is automatically pegged back to its reassembly order.